Flowers for Monday

Bread feeds the body, indeed, but 
flowers feed also the soul.
-The Koran

Sharing a few discoveries around my garden.

My favorite thing in the above photo is the fence. :-)

I grew up in the desert southwest in houses surrounded by masonry block walls.
I find this fence made of wood so refreshing and easy on the eyes.
(maybe that's why I've had that wooden fence background on my blog for so long)

The hydrangea that was already here is blooming and I am so excited about the color!

Staging with color and garden art.

After trimming back some trees I discovered these succulents. 

Somebody's keeping an eye on the birds.

An old wheel barrow makes a good planter. 

Yesterday, we had a fun day with our friends  
Linda and Bruce from Las Vegas.

They are here in the Pacific Northwest visiting family in Portland so they made the 3 hour drive up to Seattle for the day, to see our new digs and experience Seattle for the first time. 
What did you do this past weekend?

Happy Monday everyone! 



TexWisGirl said…
you have much to celebrate in your new home and garden. :)
Anonymous said…
Oh yummy garden colors, you blue hydrangeas must mean acid soil. Mine come out blue too and I adore that color. I don't know what the orange/red plant is but it's a stunner, looks like a strap leaf like a daylily, some kind of lily? Nice indeed. Hens and chicks they are the cutest. Loving you new garden and all that brilliant color. This weekend was porch replacing and teaching in the studio to some willing to go wild ladies! xox
Judy S. said…
Bet your LV friends are loving this weather. We had guest from Sacramento who enjoyed cooling off! Nice photos. Love the crocosmia; it didn't like our yard. We took Catherine and Max to the airport yesterday; it was crazy-busy there.
Dianne said…
Such beauty in your garden! I worked in a friend's gaden and we had a little party!
Caterina Giglio said…
just beautiful, love the hydrangeas ... of course and the pic with your kitty is adorable!
Gorgeous colors. What a feast for the eyes! But my absolute fav = kitty ears!! >^..^<
Beautiful flowers, fun to see what's blooming at your new home! The hydrangea is a gorgeous color!
What beautiful captures! All that rain does flowers good doesn´t it:) bushy and healthy looking ...then I see those ears....I cracked up..tooooo cute..what a shot, love it. That was nice to have a visit from Linda...I know you had fun.
Tracy said…
Oh, sooo PRETTY, Becca! A fun thing about taking on a new property is discovering what grows on it. You've got a lot start to your garden there. And I love that weathered wood fence too! Mad though I am for flower, I think that image of the kitty cat ear-tips is melting my heart the most--SO PRECIOUS! :o) Happy Week, Becca ((HUGS))
Catherine said…
How wonderful that Linda and Bruce were able to come up and visit you and see you in your new house. That's so sweet! And it looks like you are enjoying your rain and all your lovely garden flowers. Good for you!
xo Catherine
People complain about the rain but it is the moisture that allows all the flowers and grass and trees to grow so beautifully and abundantly. We so enjoyed the rain and nature that surrounded us in Sri Lanka. Back now to the heat ... and waking up with headaches every day. Bleh! Your garden is gorgeous. So glad to hear you had friends visit you in your new home. Enjoy the rest of the week. Tammy
Gillian Olson said…
What a beautiful garden you have, these are beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing,
Torunn said…
Many beautiful flowers Becca! Great pictures. Hope you have a nice summer.
Marji said…
Your garden is looking gorgeous. Its part of the fun of a new house is to see how the garden grows. Enjoy the weather while we have it :)
I love those little cat ears peeking up! So cute!
Justine said…
Those cat ears peaking out are so wonderful and I have that first plant in my garden just about to bloom, wonderful photos!
Anonymous said…
With such a vibrant garden it's no wonder that all eyes (and kitty ears) are watching. And are you still enjoying crocheting (from previous post)? Learning new things is such great fun!
Unknown said…
Those cute little kitty ears just make me smile.. Such beautiful photos.


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