A "Real" Pumpkin Farm

Hi Friends! My favorite month of October is coming to an end. A couple of weeks ago, the "hubs" and me jumped into our car and drove north an hour or so to Gordon Skagit Farms I have a lot of photos to share with you, so I won't bore you with too many more words. I think this place speaks for itself. What a fun time we had that day! This was my first time visiting a "real" pumpkin patch/farm, and I had to laugh when I remembered living in Las Vegas and how excited I would get when the dusty, vacant lot next to the shopping center set up a pumpkin patch. You'd be out there, breaking a sweat picking out a pumpkin because the desert hot sun was still in the 80's! Lol WOW...things have certainly changed and I'm loving it! Hope you had a fun and lovel...