
Showing posts from April, 2013

Discovering Lilacs and a Tribute to Betty

Hello everyone!  This past week brought lovely weather to the Seattle area, and   even though I still confess to loving the rain, there's just something about  the sunshine here that's so wonderful this time of year!  It's so much fun being outside, working in your garden, seeing your   neighbors out and about,  sharing seeds, ideas, flowers, and maybe a "happy hour" on the deck, in the sunshine admiring our  days work. :-) (my first little garden...lettuce, sweet pea, basil, onion, and cumber) Just two doors down is a lovely and heavily blossomed Lilac tree,  belonging to Bob & Betty. (Sadly, Betty passed away last year, but always loved to  share her lilac blossoms.) My neighbor asked if I wanted to walk down there with her  and cut a handful of "Betty's flowers." Talk about one of life's simple pleasures!   There I was, str...


Hello friends,  I'm here today to show you some fun photographs I took of my  neighbor teaching her friend how to make pasta ravioli. I've had Anna Maria's homemade ravioli before, and it's fabulous!  So, I was very excited to have the opportunity to see the process  first hand and share it with you!  She makes it look so easy and wanted me to give it a try, but I decided  to stick to just being the photographer for now. :-)  It didn't take long before Anna's friend had it down. Nice! Spaghetti too! So... Are you getting hungry yet?  Thanks Anna Maria for giving me the opportunity to share  this homemade goodness on my blog today! Becca 

Playing with Watercolors

So, here we are at the beginning of a new week already. Where does the time go?   Last week I spent a relaxing time at home with Russell  during his spring break from work.   I did a little painting with watercolors. Pretty basic stuff I'm doing...I'm still trying to figure it all out.  I love the way the colors work on the paper using the  wet on wet technique.   I'm also feeling inspired having things around me that I love.  This is some pottery my father-in-law made,  that I use to hold some of my watercolor brushes,   graphite pencils and Micron pens.  Of course, I still can't put down the crochet hook either.  I've made a few simple dishcloths. I love using these in the kitchen. 100% cotton yarn is nice to work with.  There's been a lot of just kicking back, reading and relaxing  around here too. ...

Blossoms of Love

 Hello Friends!  Last week, I took the advise of my friend,  Georgianna and made my way over to the Washington Park Arboretum   to photograph all of the blooming trees before the spring  wind and rain blew them all away.  It turned out to be the perfect day except for the fact  that I didn't get to share it with my sweetie because he had to work.  I mean, who can stand under this tree with all of it's blossoms and lovely sweet scent and not be in the mood for love?  I've never been to Paris in the Springtime (not in any season actually).  Living here in Seattle, however, makes me feel like I've always imagined  I would feel seeing Paris in the Spring. Speaking of my "Sweetie," he saw an artist supply store near his work,   and signed me up for their Artist Club Card.  Oh Boy,   have I ever been having a fun time visiting this ...

Just Down the Street...

This little red pre-school sits on the corner of our street.  Often times, I'll see children wearing colorful raincoats and rain boots  walking under umbrellas with their parents. It's fun to watch.  This day however, it wasn't the children's colorful rain gear  that caught my eye, instead it was the beautiful,    blooming crab apple trees that line the side of the building.  How lovely it was walking over to the school, with the sun  shining brightly and the blue sky peeking through the branches. A soft breeze came, and a few petals fluttered down around me. Heaven! You know, I said "crab apple" but I actually don't know that for a fact, they could be cherry I suppose.  There are so many trees blooming here I can't keep up!  Whatever they are, I am enjoying every minute of it!  Sometimes I'll just sit on our front step with my morning co...