Discovering Lilacs and a Tribute to Betty

Hello everyone! 

This past week brought lovely weather to the Seattle area, and  

even though I still confess to loving the rain, there's just something about 

the sunshine here that's so wonderful this time of year! 

It's so much fun being outside, working in your garden, seeing your 

 neighbors out and about,  sharing seeds, ideas, flowers, and

maybe a "happy hour" on the deck, in the sunshine admiring our 

days work. :-)

(my first little garden...lettuce, sweet pea, basil, onion, and cumber)

Just two doors down is a lovely and heavily blossomed Lilac tree, 

belonging to Bob & Betty.

(Sadly, Betty passed away last year, but always loved to 
share her lilac blossoms.)

My neighbor asked if I wanted to walk down there with her 

and cut a handful of "Betty's flowers."

Talk about one of life's simple pleasures! 

 There I was, strolling down the ally in my flip flops with a handful of 

 lilacs that I cut from a tree!

For me, it felt like pure bliss! 

(remember, I grew up in the Nevada desert..."lilac" to me was a 

scent that a candle had.) 

I'm only sorry I didn't get to know Betty more before she passed. 

I am enjoying my lovely bouquet so much, and 

what a lovely memory of our neighbor and friend.

The scent of the lilac is so powerful, I thought I had a candle 

burning when I walked into my studio.

I think I found a new, favorite flower to love. 

(well...that is until the blue hydrangeas come out again!) 

Still trying to paint stuff. :-)

Need work on my drawing skills.

Thank you for being here, and sharing my discoveries! 

Happy weekend to you, 



TexWisGirl said…
i love lilacs and miss them very much. they don't grow here in texas (we have a vitex aka texas lilac but its not nearly as potent). used to pic lilacs as a girl and bring them inside for my mother - poor thing was allergic to them and tried to put up with them as to not hurt our feelings...
Everything looks beautiful! And I think you've inspired me again....I think I'll go clean my desk off! lol Sweet hugs!
Anonymous said…
My sister has lilacs in California. They grow here in Virginia but succumb quickly to an ugly mildew. I'd like to plant some but think I may just end up disappointed when they don't do well. Yours are sure nice!
Eilidh said…
Hi Becca - I'm a newbie to blogging - I am really enjoying following your blog being on the other side of the world in Scotland - your photography is beautiful and very inspiring! Eilidh :-)
Lisa Gordon said…
I am so enjoying you,enjoying the different weather, Becca! I am sure it's a huge change. Betty's lilacs are beautiful, and what a lovely tribute to here this is.

I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Unknown said…
You have excellent art skills! Enjoy the lilacs while you can! They're a common favourite among Spring flowers :)
Unknown said…
Precious little garden btw!
Gorgeous pics, Becca! What camera do you use?
my lilacs are coming out but a week away from being the beauties you photographed.
Unknown said…
Such gorgeous photos my friend. I had to smile when you said about the lilacs scents coming from a candle. I can so relate. Hee Hee...

Heartwideopen said…
Your blog is one of my very favorites. I know I don't comment that often, but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy coming here and reading your blog posts. I alway leave with a happy sigh and a smile on my face!! When I was growing up I lived with my grandparents off and on until I graduated high school. My grandma had lilac trees and hydrangea bushes all over their back yards. I say yards because they owned a whole quarter of a block 3 streets up from the Seattle Center. So we had lilacs first all through the two houses and then the hydrangeas when they started to bloom. When ever I see either one I think of my grandparents and it's like getting a big warm hug. Thanks for the wonderful memories this morning!! xxoo
RURAL said…
Such a treat to see your lilacs, and I can almost smell them. Ours have a way to go still, but soon..

What a lovely tribute to Betty.

Halle said…
Lovely lilacs...our snow just left so lilacs are probably a month away. I love walking into town as the road is lined with lilacs...takes me a long time since I keep stopping to smell the flowers. :)
I have a lilac growing out my backdoor and scent is heavenly. I have never cut any to bring doors as I just open the door and the perfume fills the kitchen:) Have blessed week my friend.
Catherine said…
Everything looks so fresh there Becca! We finally have spring. Now we just need a couple of days rain to freshen things up!
Have a lovely week!
xo Catherine
Tracy said…
Your garden is so LOVELY, Becca--love the pretty shape of those bamboo supports. Hope you harvest lots of eats! Thank you for sharing Betty's flowers with us. I can almost smell those lilacs through the screen...mmm... Happy Day ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
Such a pretty post Becca. I was looking at your photo of your sweet little garden and thinking about what a special touch you put on EVERYTHING you do from drawings to crochet, to gardening...everything. Such an artful eye. It was what first drew me to your blog so long ago.

I love lilacs too. We used to have a big bush of them in our backyard of the house that got knocked down a while back. I've tried to plant them at our current home, but the soil does not seem to be very good for them so I gave up. Daffodils and tulips seem to do well though.

I love that you are loving Seattle.
The lilacs are so lovely, Becca...especially in the blue jar! Your studio looks like a wonderful place to create!
Caterina Giglio said…
we had lots of lilacs in CO and they are pretty fabulous aren't they? your garden is so far ahead of mine, just got warm enough to plant seeds last weekend... yea!
Clare said…
Lovely - colours - there is something deeply satisfing about picking flowers and displaying them in ones home. I love your desk all tidy and inviting.
She Who Doodles said…
i love the smell of lilacs especially when you bring them into the house. enjoy.
Tammy said…
So sorry to hear of Betty's passing. The lilacs are so beautiful and look great on your neat and tidy desk. I think your sketches and watercolors are lovely, always. Have a great day. Tammy

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