
Showing posts from November, 2011


The Fuchsia plant. Not exactly a November blossom. I took this photograph last Summer while visiting the Pacific Northwest. It's the "color" of Fuchsia that got me thinking. This is a Mandevilla plant. It's in a container in my courtyard here in Las Vegas. We have been having such beautiful, mild temperatures lately that this beauty is thriving! Such a lovely fuchsia color to see this time of year.  Although, the Christmas tree is up it's hard to feel "Christmassy" just yet. I think that's about to change though,  it's supposed to get cold and windy by tomorrow night.  I'm not sure how this Mandevilla will weather the cold, so I wanted to share it with you today.  I'm off now to spend some time outside enjoying the warm sun and color while it lasts. Sending you warm, November sunshine and color for the rest of your week.   Becca 

Mandala Art

This is my first shot at a Mandala.  Willowing  is generously offering a free Mandala Art class. I haven't been able to get over there to watch all of the videos, and learn the "real" technique, but I wanted to try a quick doodle anyway, so I did this using my watercolor pencils.  This was so fun and relaxing, that I will definitely get back there for more practice and tips! Thanks for dropping by! I am linking up my Mandala Art to Paint Party Friday Do head over and check out some of the other artists entries. There is so much inspiration over there! See you soon, Becca

Sun Breaks in the Forecast

Just another "sunny" November day in Seattle. :-) No seriously, it really was a lovely, sunny day!  I  love to visit here this time of year to get my "autumn color fix."  So, what do people do in Seattle when the sun is shining?  Well, a lot of people had the same idea as go for a walk in the park. This beautiful park is in Bellevue, Washington   which is about 9 miles East of Seattle.  I started walking, surround by hues of gold, green, orange and red. Park benches were everywhere.   The sun felt warm on my face. Many of the benches had plaques.   I photographed this one because it was the year I was born.  The sound of running water all around the walking path.  It looked like the ducks were enjoying the sunny day as well.  Leaves everywhere!  I wanted to jump and kick my feet in these little piles, but decided the person that was trying to rake the leaves into these neat, little piles woul...

The Art of A Rain Chain

"Art"   is probably not the first word that comes to mind for most people when it rains.  If you have ever seen a  Rain Chain   then maybe you'll understand why I think of it this way.  copper, metal, patina, design, texture, beauty... peaceful,  mesmerizing... If you've read my blog for some time, you might remember, this "desert girl" is fascinated with  rain chains. :-) I'm still's raining... I'm sharing my Rain Chain Art this week at Lisa Gordon's  Creative Exchange I have been reading and enjoying your comments. When I'm back home, I will have more time to visit and get caught up with you.  Hope your week is off to a great start!  Becca

"Hoot Owl"

This week for  Paint Party Friday I thought I'd show you my drawing of an owl, or as I would have called it when I was a child, a  "Hoot Owl."  I originally started to sketch an owl because I wanted to have a pattern to use for a little stuffed owl. After using some of my watercolor pencils I wanted to blend, but with out water so I tried my Pan Pastels. I thought the purples and the golden tones were kind of fun, and I really liked the  way the Pan Pastels blended my owl.  Maybe I should have put some little feet on my hoot owl, what do you think?  Thanks for dropping by to take a peek at my entry.  Please drop by PPF to see all the other fun and beautiful art!  Have a great weekend!  Becca 

Stamp n Stitch

Hello friends. It's a lovely day outside today. Cool of course, but sitting in the sunshine felt wonderful! I wanted to enjoy this windless, sunshine today so I was trying to think of a project I could take outdoors that would be relaxing and easy. Since I already had a small piece of muslin that I stamped on,  I simply added a bit of color with my watercolor pencils. Then, only a few embroidery stitches with some autumn colors to add interest. When it's one of those beautiful weather days and you don't want to be cooped up inside, but you feel like being creative, try a little   "Stamp n Stitch!"  I haven't decided what this will be yet. Sometimes just a small piece is all you need for a little inspiration. :-) I hope the sun is shining in your part of the world!  Becca 

I Love "Lucy"

A lot of you have asked about my new kitty, Lucy.  So, I thought I'd do a quick post to show you a few more photos and let you know everything seems to be working out for the best.  Lucy has discovered the BIG pillow under the fireplace. It seems everyone (Fetzer and Shatzie) takes a turn here.  In the mornings when I get my coffee and try to do some blog surfing, either Shatzie or Lucy decide this is the warmest and best place for a nap.  Now, when I'm in my art room, all three kitties are comfortable hanging out together.  Each has a special place for a nap while the sound of the fountain outside and the lull of the Zen music on the player makes them sleepy.  Do you like the peace sign collar we picked out for her?  I'm sure she will continue to grow in to it, as it's a bit too big for her right now.   This has been a lazy, cozy Sunday for us.  I hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday too.  Becca 

Zetti Style

Hi friends,  I've had a fun and eventful week!  In case you didn't read my last post, I have a new kitten, her name is Lucy. Lucy seems to be settling in to her new home just fine now, and brother and sister are a little less freaked out. This week for Paint Party Friday  I thought I'd share my take on  Zetti Style I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with artist  Teesha Moore I have always been fascinated with her art and wanted to give it a shot. This was really fun for me except when it came to the journaling. I enjoy Teesha's journal pages with the tiny journaling, but since I'm not used to writing small anyway, next time I think I will try the larger lettering. As you can see on the next page, I have another background already started for another Zetti style page. I'm not sure when I will get to that.  I am taking a new workshop with Sharon Tomlinson called Faces in Collage It starts tomorrow, so I can't wait to get started learning mo...

Meet "Lucy"

Hi Everyone!  I'm Lucy! I was just adopted this past weekend. I am 4 months old. I love my new home and I've been playing and playing, then I take a nap. My new mom says she can't get a decent photo of me. I don't know why, I bet she's just not good at   "action"  shots!  So, my new family is still getting used to me. We're taking it kind of slow. I run around and try to play, but my new brother and sister just stare at me, and sometimes they make a funny hissing sound. I hope they get used to me one day...I just want to play!  Mom's been kind of distracted with me around, and I think she's behind on reading her favorite blogs too! She says she's going to try to paint in her art journal tomorrow... Oo, that'll be fun!!! Mom says we'll see you soon!  Lucy