Celebrating New Year's Eve Las Vegas Style
Well friends, for someone who claims to never go down to the Las Vegas strip, I certainly have a lot of photos to share with you! I've decided since Las Vegas is notably a New Year's destination for some, what a better time to give you a taste of some eye candy from my home town. I took these photographs on two different occasions in December 2010; A Holiday Party at the Ghost Bar which is at the "top" of the Palms Hotel, and on another occasion during my MIL's visit we went to see an amazing show at the Wynn Hotel, called Le Reve So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy the sites and sounds (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Elivs) I've put together for you from Las Vegas. A lot of reflection from the glass that surrounds the patio on the rooftop deck. A view looking down the side of the Palms Hotel. A portion of the floor on the deck is see through. (That's my shoe) The night we went to see Le Reve at the Wynn it was raining. ...