Boulevard of Broken Dreams

(If you're listening, go to my playlist at the bottom of the page, and click on  Diana Krall's beautiful rendition of 
Boulevard of Broken Dreams)

"The joy that you find here you borrow, you cannot keep it long it seems." 

Have you ever had a really big dream?  One you wanted so badly it became an obsession? 
One you thought would have a chain reaction of nothing but good?  
Put all of your time and energy into that dream? 
Believed with all your heart it was a worthy cause?
Put a time limit on receiving that dream and then it didn't come true? 
If you are like me, you have. Then you are left asking yourself 
What went wrong?  What do I do now? 

Seems like I've been away for a while.  
I've missed my blogging friends.  

So, for now...
Thank you, my dear friends,  for all the lovely Birthday & Thanksgiving wishes you left on my last post.
I apologize for being a bit out of touch lately. 
I hope to be back soon with some Christmas spirit.  
I know it's still "there" somewhere.  



Justine said…
oh you sound so sad, I hope everything is ok. I love your shots, the tones are beautiful and I absolutely love Dianne Krall. Hope to see you back fully in blogland soon.
Hi Becca,

I am glad that you posted. I was thinking about you tonight before I went to sleep.

I hope that everything is okay. I will be saying some prayers for ya!

Catherine said…
Sending you warm hugs Becca! I hope everything is OK. You know we are all thinking of you!
xo Catherine
Unknown said…
Oh my sweet friend.. I just wish I could make your dreams come true. I know how much you wanted this dream. But Please do not give up on it. I still believe dreams come true all in good time. I know your at the end of your rope. But hold on with all your might! I know it will come true someday!

I am sending some good vibes your way so you will have a great weekend!

Hugs, Linda

BTW - I almost forgot to tell you how awesome your photo's look.
Pamela said…
oh no oh no say it ain't so! Keep the dream alive Becca...we don't know why he keeps it from us but with always good reason. I too have been holding onto a dream ( 10yrs waiting) for it to come to pass a well.
I wish i could reach out and give you a very big hug!!!
Pamela xo
Numinosity said…
Missed you here and don't stop dreaming.
xoxo Kim
Ashley Sisk said…
Awww we missed you - so glad to see you back and these photos are absolutely beautiful!
I read saddness in this post. I am sending you comfort in a big hug. Feel warm yet? Take care and we will be here when you need us. Take care.
Lisa Gordon said…
Great photos to go with a great song!
SarahinSC said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you for providing me a glimpse of the city I love so much! Beautiful!
lilylovekin said…
Be kind to yourself and don't give up dreaming.
Caterina Giglio said…
so ok, let it go, kiss it goodbye and see what happens.. : )
Anonymous said…
I've been away a while but wanted to stop by and look at your beautiful blog...I'm sorry things seem out of reach right now. I pray you see the blessing in this, whatever "this" might be for you. Never give up...sometimes dreams just need time and perhaps a little tweaking. I'll be praying for you. Patty
GardenOfDaisies said…
I'm so sorry to hear that you are feeling sad about something. Sending you hugs.
Betty Jo said…
Becca I've been so out of touch with my blogging friends that I missed your birthday post. So Happy Belated Birthday! I hope all is well, and you don't give up on your dreams. ♥
Jillayne said…
I was wondering what was happening with Seattle as you had said in a post a while back you hoped to hear something in November. I am so sorry the answer wasn't the one you wanted! It is obvious how much you love that place -it may not be yours yet, but it never will be if you let go of your dream. When you're ready, you'll dream again. For now, your little birds are lovely Becca!
Lynn Stevens said…
Never give up your dreams! Theres always something around the corner. Maybe not what you hoped for but sometimes better!
What stunning photos! I love every one :)

- the runaway
christina said…
these photos are love!

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