
Showing posts from April, 2012

She Wore Rain Boots...

Hello dear friends!    We've been on a whirl wind trip to the Seattle area to look for a house.  Needless to say, my stress level has been a little on the high side this past week.   Fortunately, we found a house we are very happy with and now I can start to plan!  The weather during our 3 day visit was sunny and warm, in the 70's.  People were out riding bicycles near the lake, enjoying lunch outside, and walking their dogs.   I can certainly understand why these "rain city" residents love their sunshine! blue skies This is the waterfront in   Kirkland, Washington   which is less than a 10 minute drive from where I'll be living.  Kirkland is a suburb of Seattle on the Eastside of Lake Washington. We enjoyed the sunshine while sitting on the docks watching the boats. I couldn't help squealing with delight when this little family swam up to me.  They were so fun to watch. Too cute...

Sea, Sky, Stone

Hi Friends!  Wow, time sure seems to be getting away from me lately. I can't believe I will be moving to the Pacific Northwest in about a month!   It's been such a battle for me knowing I need to "pack up" but my creative side keeps screaming paint, sketch, sew!  Sew  So, what's a girl to do?  Make a bracelet, of course!   I keep seeing these beautiful wrap bracelets and my favorites are the ones by  Chan Luu Have you seen them?  I would love to have several of them, but at $200.00 plus I just can't see spending that right now.  When I was a teenager growing up, I would buy something like...jeans with pre-made holes,  costume jewelry, hair accessories, etc.  and I'll always remember my dad teasing me... "I could've made that for you!"  Well dad,  you must have rubbed off on me because now I find myself saying that all the time!  I decided to find some be...

Irises for Easter

Sharing my "wind-blown" bearded irises with you  for Easter Sunday. I planted bearded iris bulbs in this large plastic container about 8 years ago. Amazingly, every year around Easter, they bloom for me. :-) Every year though, they battle the gusty, spring winds we get here in the desert.   Their long, gorgeous stems blew sideways this year, covering my favorite chair. I kind of like the photo opportunity it gave me though.  It will make me sad to say goodbye to these irises when we move next month. My friend  Judy   that lives in Bellevue, Washington she says they would do well there, and I should try to bring them. I just need to figure out how to dig up a bulb. See the container they are in?  They are packed pretty tightly in there, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to just dig up a bulb or two. Any ideas? If not, I will try to just find a happy home for them. ...

A Happy Friday Doodle!

Sharing a bright doodle today and... a bright sounding Gypsy Jazz song to go along for  Paint Party Friday This journal isn't meant for watercolor, hence the wrinkly page. Still, I just stuck a piece of wax paper behind it and painted away!  I hope you'll take the time to visit all the other entries for PPF, there's some amazing stuff over there!   Happy Friday everyone! Becca 

Water, Paper, Paint

I love working in my Moleskine journal.   It's what I've been gravitating to lately...just to sketch. Although the papers are not meant for wet media I added watercolor. There's something just so simple and satisfying about adding water to paint. ...a simple sketch ...with simple color. I'm heading outside,  it's been so beautiful here! Oh, and I am loving this   Book It was the kind of read that makes you miss the characters when you are done.  What have you been reading? I'll see you Friday with bright colors to share. Until then... Becca