
Showing posts from 2013

Happy New Year!

Just dropping in to wish you a Happy New Year!  2013 was full of some fun local travels and discoveries of our  beautiful new home in Washington.  I was thrilled to even have a bit of snow for a day right before Christmas!  (no laughing east coast friends!)  Loved watching the little birds hop around on the deck in the snow.  Winter sky over Lake Washington.  Have a safe and Happy New Year!  See you all in 2014!  Becca 

Season of Light

Hi Friends!  How's your holiday season going?  Not too stressful I hope. One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is "light." I love the warm glow of holiday lights everywhere!  It gets dark so early up here, so it seems like Christmas lights come on  earlier in the day.  Our lights come on about 4pm.  I love this time because the sky still  has a bit of color to add to the "magic."  I light candles, make a cup of hot cocoa,  and simply enjoy the peacefulness of the season  by the warmth of the fireplace. I had fun this year with "this old house" we're living in. We decided to put our tree up in the front room which is what we call  our "piano room." (since my piano takes up most of the room) :-) I found some ribbon with music notes on it to add to the theme of the room,  and since the wall color is sort of a "vin...

One November Morning...

One November morning… I went for a walk,  …close to home, …fun, …listening to the sounds of nature, …watching the reflection on the water,  …feeling the sunshine,  …dreaming,  …quiet, peaceful, …simply enjoying the beauty that surrounds me... …on this November morning. Feeling grateful for so many things… Becca

Getting Ready For The Holidays!

Hi Friends!  Wow, time has gotten away from me once again!  If you are here, reading this, than I want to say  thank you for not giving up on me! :-)  I'm here today, to share with you some things I've been  working on for the holidays.  I found this FREE PATTERN  online to crochet these cute  little pinecones. I think they will make a fun addition to my Christmas gift wrapping, don't you?  Then, I picked up the magazine you see below that has the pattern  for making these Christmas ornament cozies.  I had fun standing out in the rain to get this shot today.  :-) …and of course,  once a girl gets started crocheting covers for stones, she  never stops.   I made this yellow one for my friend, Stella. This is my friend, Stella and her daughter Ginger. I ask Stella if I could post this photo of the two of them. ...

A World With Octobers

Beautiful Words... "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." L.M. Montgomery I've been working on another collage on canvas with teabags and leaves. You might remember this one below, that I did a couple of years ago  before we moved to Seattle. This collage has special meaning to me.   I remember picking up this larger than my hand, maple leaf  while visiting Seattle on business and trying frantically to  get it back home to Las Vegas without it getting squished on the plane... because, "we might not get the job and  get to move to Washington, and I won't get to experience  this kind of autumn again for a really long time."  Yea...silly huh, but that's what I was thinking. Anyway...I digress... When you're a kid from the desert, you get excited about  stuff like this.  So, here we are almost 2 years later, and I'm living in  ...

Painting Leaves

Being inspired by all the colors of the  season, I got out my watercolor paints  to play. Do you remember this post?  Nature's Paint Where I picked leaves and flowers and smashed them onto  watercolor paper and fabric and some of the darker colors printed right onto the paper.  So Fun!  So, this time, I picked a few leaves and brought them in and painted them  with watercolor paint and pressed them onto the paper.  I think the Japanese Maple Leaf turned out the best print so far.  I just kept repainting it with different colors. An easy and fun way to make a greeting card or note. This Japanese maple in our side yard has turned the most lovely  golden yellow color.  Directly across from it is another one but it's leaves are more reddish/orange,  and it's where I got the leaf to make the print.  I didn't take a p...