
Showing posts from June, 2015

What's New?

Hello friends,  Gosh, I hate it when I get behind on blogging!  I've just been staying busy and sometimes I don't  always take the time to use my "big girl camera" and I just snap off  shots on my iPhone.  How lazy is that? :-)  Anyway, it's great to get back to my blog!  These beautiful, blue hydrangeas belong to our neighbor, Camille.  I must say, we are SO fortunate to live in a fun neighborhood with such great neighbors all around!  How's your summer so far?  Well, technically it's not quite summer yet,  is it?  I guess it feels like summer to me since we've been enjoying summer like  temperatures already! (summer weather usually starts in July for Seattle.)  In fact, I'm kind of wondering if it's ever going to rain again! Lol This is a new shepherds hook we bought that will keep  the squirrels at bay.  I love seeing squirrels aro...