
Showing posts from October, 2013

A World With Octobers

Beautiful Words... "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." L.M. Montgomery I've been working on another collage on canvas with teabags and leaves. You might remember this one below, that I did a couple of years ago  before we moved to Seattle. This collage has special meaning to me.   I remember picking up this larger than my hand, maple leaf  while visiting Seattle on business and trying frantically to  get it back home to Las Vegas without it getting squished on the plane... because, "we might not get the job and  get to move to Washington, and I won't get to experience  this kind of autumn again for a really long time."  Yea...silly huh, but that's what I was thinking. Anyway...I digress... When you're a kid from the desert, you get excited about  stuff like this.  So, here we are almost 2 years later, and I'm living in  ...

Painting Leaves

Being inspired by all the colors of the  season, I got out my watercolor paints  to play. Do you remember this post?  Nature's Paint Where I picked leaves and flowers and smashed them onto  watercolor paper and fabric and some of the darker colors printed right onto the paper.  So Fun!  So, this time, I picked a few leaves and brought them in and painted them  with watercolor paint and pressed them onto the paper.  I think the Japanese Maple Leaf turned out the best print so far.  I just kept repainting it with different colors. An easy and fun way to make a greeting card or note. This Japanese maple in our side yard has turned the most lovely  golden yellow color.  Directly across from it is another one but it's leaves are more reddish/orange,  and it's where I got the leaf to make the print.  I didn't take a p...

Autumn's Glory

Fall color, it's everywhere!  Whether it's just outside my door, driving on the freeways or simply  walking around the neighborhoods, I take note of it all, wherever I am.   I'm grateful for all of Autumn's Glory! On this day however, I visited the Japanese Garden here in Seattle.  It was a rainy morning but promised sun in the afternoon which was  exactly what I was looking for with my camera.  A peaceful, zen like garden. Sprinkling rain in the sunlight sparkles on the water. This blue heron was still for so long, at first I thought it was a  statue.  Turns out, he was just keeping an eye on me.  As the sun came out, the colors looked even more saturated in the light. Reflections in the water. Lace Leaf Maple I've been enjoying visiting some blogs and seeing your photos and activities  this...

October Happenings

October. My favorite month.  Even when I lived in the Nevada desert I loved October.  It's when things started to cool down from the hot summers.  Now, even more than ever,  I love this season/month!  This year, I made an autumn wreath for our front door.  I am REALLY excited about decorating for fall.  Even two of our cats fit into the colors of fall.  There's been a lot of squirrel watching lately,  ...and bird watching,  when it's not nap time. ...and burning beeswax candles and incense  when it's damp and rainy outside.  Even though today was beautiful and sunny, you can just feel it in the air  that the colder, rainy weather is just around the corner.  I hear that November is the wettest month around these parts.  So, until then, I shall soak up the sun and play in the dirt  when I have t...