A World With Octobers

Beautiful Words... "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." L.M. Montgomery I've been working on another collage on canvas with teabags and leaves. You might remember this one below, that I did a couple of years ago before we moved to Seattle. This collage has special meaning to me. I remember picking up this larger than my hand, maple leaf while visiting Seattle on business and trying frantically to get it back home to Las Vegas without it getting squished on the plane... because, "we might not get the job and get to move to Washington, and I won't get to experience this kind of autumn again for a really long time." Yea...silly huh, but that's what I was thinking. Anyway...I digress... When you're a kid from the desert, you get excited about stuff like this. So, here we are almost 2 years later, and I'm living in ...