
Showing posts from January, 2011

A Little Romance

Still practicing my skills in PSE9. I was going for a romantic feel this time. (A Wink and a Smile performed by Harry Connick Jr.) I am linking up this week to Lisa Gordon's  The Creative Exchange. Head over to see more photography entries "with heart" (Thanks Lisa!) ********* Here's a movie that makes me cry every time I watch it.  "Sleepless in Seattle" (1993) Tri-Star Pictures “It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together … and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home. .. only to no home I’d ever known … I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like … magic.” —Sam (Tom Hanks) ************ I kind of feel that way about the city of Seattle too..."It was like magic."  Do you have a favorite, romantic movie or scene that makes you cry every time you watch?   Do share! :-) Have a lovely week!

Around the Garden

Hello my friends, I hope your week has been going well. We have been blessed with very mild and warm daytime temperatures so I have been enjoying some time in my little garden. I think these little birds seem to be enjoying the sunshine too, don't you?  It's so wonderful to see new growth already!  This is where I sometimes sit and read blogs or just enjoy listening to the birds and my fountain.  The ivy is happiest in this weather too.  I really have to protect this plant from the triple digit heat & sun in the summertime.  It's little green leaves will turn brown and crispy from the heat.  So far though, it's been around each year, so it makes it through the summers somehow!  I'm not sure I'll even make it through another hot summer here! :-)  The roses are happy.  It's still a little cold to sit outside at night, unless it's around a fire, but I do enjoy the lighting at night.  This nest is in the tree across the street from my ho

Experimenting with Black & White Photography

I love black & white photography. I'm not a professional, but I love how the light and composition play such an important role here.  It's like a film or book that doesn't really give you the ending and you have to use your imagination to come up with your own view.   How do you see it?   Thanks for dropping by.  I hope you have a wonderful week!  See you soon.  Becca 

Soft Kitty

(all textures on this post are by Kim Klassen) "Soft kitty, warm kitty little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty purr, purr, purr."  THIS  video makes me laugh.  Sending you a little smile. :-) Becca 

Thread Painting

Yesterday, I felt like working on a piece using free motion stitching.  I had an old piece of fabric I got from an antique store, I think it might have been a curtain.  I wanted to add some more texture, so I used lace and another blue fiber. Do you recognize the blue fiber I layered over the top of the whole piece and used for the little flowers?  The blue fiber is from those goofy looking surgery hats. I took this photo of a co-worker at my job.   I don't usually wear this type of cap, because I like to make my own caps from different, fun fabrics.  When I change out of my scrubs at work, I will sometimes throw my socks into one of these caps to take home, so when I did laundry this weekend I started to throw the caps away, and took notice of the papery type fabric and thought it might be fun to sew on!  Here's a close up so you can see the thin, blue layer, then the small pieces I used to make the flowers.  Beginners work, but it was fun to be creative with somethi

Garden Time

We're having such beautiful weather this weekend, it was 67 degrees F today, and it's supposed to reach the 70's by Monday!   The days are still short, so I took some time this afternoon in the garden when the sun and light was just right.   I also felt so much better today after having a wisdom tooth out yesterday that I just had to get outside and enjoy the warm sun.  ( my cheek still looks like the "Godfather's" though )  I know so many of you are still up to your ears in snow, so I thought you might like to see some sunny and warm photos.  However,  I must tell you that I have really enjoyed seeing all of the snow photos out there in blogland!  The following photographs were all taken from my courtyard this afternoon.   Fetzer got into this mix somehow, but I think he just wants to show you what else we've been up to this weekend.  Thank you for all of your lovely comments on my last few posts!   I'm trying to get around to everyone

Favorite Haunts

1.  To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. 2.  To visit often; frequent:  haunted the movie theaters. 3.  To come to the mind of continually; obsess:  a riddle that haunted me all morning. 4.  To be continually present in; pervade:  Relaxing, creating, and football this weekend,  what are your plans?  Becca