
Showing posts from October, 2010

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Hi bloggers!  I'm playing along again with Ashley Sisk's Scavenger Hunt Sunday, and the items this week are as follows:  1. My Town 2. Something Vintage 3. Tilt-Shift Photography 4. Dress Up 5. Chocolate  Here are my interpretations for the 5, hope you enjoy!  1. My Town For those of you that haven't already figured out by reading my blog, "my town" is Las Vegas , but I'm hoping that someday...soon,   "my town" will be Seattle! 2. Something Vintage This was difficult to choose,  because I LOVE Vintage!  Some of my favorite vintage things are sewing notions like these vintage bobbins and perfect Mason Ball jars.  3. Tilt-Shift Photography Ashley, this was fun!  I had never heard of "tilt shift photography", but after watching a tutorial on how to do this in Photoshop, this is what I came up with.  I took this photo while at a Seahawks football game last year.  I edited this in Photoshop CS3 to give it this "model" apperance...


Just felt like playing with a little Black and White today.   Has anyone ever reminded you to do this? Sometimes when playing tennis, I think I get so involved in my shots, I actually find that I'm holding my breath.   I've even been told by a coach "don't forget to breathe through your shots!"   Amazingly enough, when I remind myself to do this while playing, I really play so much better!  Lately, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed, stressed, & worried.  It helps to remind myself to just breathe! I know you must experience those times in your life too, so what do you find helps you when you get stressed out?  See you on the weekend!  Becca 

Texture talk and sunset

I hope everyone has had a nice & restful weekend.  My weekend was pretty nice.  Since my last post about the rain I expected it to get back to bright and sunny blue skies, but that hasn't exactly been the case, which I think is great!  We have had cooler, and more overcast weather the past few days, and it was almost like living in my favorite city...Seattle...well, almost. :-) Yesterday I got out and played a little tennis.  (I really need the exercise!)  Today, I watched my Seattle Seahawks beat the Arizona Cardinals!  Go Hawks!  Ok, enough about that, I also wanted to practice a bit with my Photoshop Elements 9, so I thought I'd show you a couple of my results.  All of the textures I've used here today are by  Kim Klassen . I decided to go a little heavy on the texture with this photo, because when I took this photo of my "fake" sunflowers, I was disappointed that well...they looked so fake!  I almost deleted them, then I decid...

Good Sleeping Weather

Hello everyone, just dropping in for a quick "Hi" and to let you know it's been raining here!  It actually rained most of last night and all day today.  That's so unusual for our area. We've had quite a lightening and thunderstorm.  I just love watching the lightening and listening to the thunder, but last night it was so loud it woke me up from a dead sleep and scared me to death! LOL!  Other than that, I think this is the perfect "sleeping weather."  Not the best photos, I just ran out this afternoon and tried to get a couple of shots, but it was getting dark and I was too tired to set up my tripod.  Ha!  I know this is silly, but I'm not used to seeing inclement weather around here.  It's usually all blue sky... ...and very, very dry.  I ran out to see if my rain chain was filling up, but I don't really think I have it up right for it to work properly, it's mostly for looks.  So, there you have it!  A little rain in t...

Happy Sunday!

This week for Scavenger Hunt Sunday I didn't have as much time to take all new photos, so I had to resort to my photo archives for a couple.  Oops!  I hope you enjoy them anyway.  This weeks items are as follows:  1. Side Lighting 2. Jack-o-Lantern 3. Faces formed in Nature 4. Sunset 5. Warm  Here are my photo interpretations  Side Lighting  This was my favorite, and most challenging of the five.   I thought about this, but didn't come up with anything until Saturday afternoon.  I opened the kitchen shade to do some dishes and saw how things were lighting up, so I grabbed this vase and started moving it around and changing lenses to see what worked best.  I was pretty happy with my results and learned a thing or two while I was at it!  Jack-o-Lantern I had the hardest time trying to photograph my ceramic jack-o-lantern!  I took it outside and put it on the grass (fake grass) and threw some leaves around it, but it just wasn...

A photo and a quote for the day

Thank you to everyone that visits and leaves lovely comments on my blog,  I look forward to reading each and every one! Hope you are enjoying your day!  Becca   

Macro Friday and a day with the Kitties

I had the day off today, so I thought I'd join in with Macro Friday! My dear, sweet, Shatzie wanted to help.  This first photo is my entry photo.  Head on over to to see some other fun macro entries! This is Fetzer, Shatzie's brother... As you can see, he wanted to play along too, but I wasn't able to get the focus on his eyes, because of that bright, white nose he has! This is just an iPhone shot, but I thought you might want to see how Shatzie always wants to curl up with me when I do a little blog hopping. ...and here's Fetzer again ...he knows he's not supposed to be on the table in the kitchen,  (I hate that) but I think he figured out a way to get away with it here.  I am a "softie" I guess. Finally, Shatzie again when I'm on the iMac in the office she loves to curl up in my lap and put her head on my hand while I'm trying to type. She's here right now purring away, can you hear her? :-) S...

Strolling in the park

Ok, I will "try" to do this post without any sarcasm.  I really did try to walk around this park and take some interesting photos, but it wasn't the best  time of day for photography, and it was hot out there!  I don't know what type of desert plant this is, and they were kind of crunchy, so I thought they were dead, but looked kind of interesting anyway.  I think they would look nice in an Autumn floral arrangement.  I should have picked some, after all there wasn't a sole there today at this lovely park.  I understand we do have a water shortage here, but the plain dirt and occasional desert plant just doesn't look "park like" to me.  I  think this might look better if it would have been closer to sunset, maybe I'll try that sometime.  Here's the part where I "strolled." ...and "strolled" some more... In case you were wondering what the black fence is, it's a Dog Park.  Do you have those where you live?  ...