A photo and a quote for the day

Thank you to everyone that visits and leaves lovely comments on my blog,  I look forward to reading each and every one!
Hope you are enjoying your day! 



Thats lovely Becca - texture just adds to the scene. Looking forward to getting to know you and your photography:)
Pamela said…
OH Becca this photo is just beautiful truly divine! It looks like lavender? I love the way the quote is written on the picture. Gorgerous!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! We are having such a beautiful fall!
Pamela xo
Elaine said…
What a wonderful picture done with the lavender plant.. love it.
Very beautiful! I had a wonderful day! I'll post about it soon! Enjoy your evening, sweet Becca! ♥
Anonymous said…
...and we look forward to your gorgeous posts!!
I enjoyed the pictures from you previous posts as well as this one, I've gotten so behind. I'd love to feel some of that hot weather even though it's just been beautiful here lately.
I bet it will be cold while you're here in November. They're are predicting a very cold and snowy winter this year, although we don't usually see much snow in November.
Wonderful quote accompaning a fantastic shot.
Numinosity said…
I can almost smell the lavender and yes, I'm enjoying a trip out of town or a bead show and winter is upon us here in the north
xoxo Kim

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