
Showing posts from June, 2013

Nature's Paint

Hi Everyone!  I just wanted to drop in to say a quick hello before I  take a little break and unplug for a few days.  The hubs and I are taking a little trip over to the Olympic Peninsula  to celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary! So, before we hit the road, I wanted to share this fun little  project I tried. One misty, rainy day last week, I gathered up  some flowers and leaves from around the yard, and  experimented making prints of them on  paper and fabric. The above photo is of a print I made from a  lace leaf maple leaf onto a piece of watercolor paper.  I had so much fun picking up little flowers to try on my print.   The photos below, I used a piece of canvas fabric, or  duck cloth I believe it's called.  Some of the flower pieces were easy to remove,  others left a heavier stain.  When I get home I...

A New Project

One of the things I've been trying to do lately is come up  with ideas for the doilies I make.  This of course is not a doily, but a little crocheted motif I made  with linen thread and then  I hand stitched it onto a piece of linen fabric.  I think hand-stitching is so relaxing, I don't know why I don't do  it more often. I made 3 little pin cushions/lavender sachets with the linen  thread I already have in my stash.  You can use any kind of crochet thread...   you know I'm just crazy about the linen stuff, right? :-) It was fun digging into my linen scrap pile  to find pieces of fabric to work with.  Finding the remnants of linen at the fabric store is the way to go  for little projects like this. So, that's one way I can use crochet pieces,  but here's another "long-term" project  I'm working on....

Friday Finds

I see you Lucy!  Lucy thinks it's Friday Hide-n-Seek. No Lucy,  I'm trying to get some pictures of my Friday Find to share!  This week I just had to show you this beautiful, old spool cabinet I  found at an antique shop just down the street from me. I've always wanted a spool cabinet,  and I was so excited to find one  in such nice condition!     The only thing is that the J. and P. Coats  is on the back, so you can't  see that from where I have it right now.  I understand that this cabinet is from the early 1900's  and the drawer knobs are not original, however,  I think it was really well done.  Besides, this is not something I bought  for it's value.  I just love vintage sewing notions because it reminds me of  my mom who sewed all the time.   Isn't the detail lovely on the side?  So, I'm usi...

Friday Finds

Bleeding Hearts.  I discovered these in my front yard a couple of weeks ago! Since the weather has been nice, I have been outside a lot lately just exploring our surroundings. I was thrilled to find this Bleeding Heart plant right in my own front yard!  I've only seen pictures of them on other blogs, until now.  Such delicate little flowers they are!   So, I thought this was the perfect thing to share this week on  Kim Klassen's  Friday Finds Hope you discover something new and wonderful too this weekend!  Becca  **** Since Google Reader will be no more as of July 1st, I have chosen Bloglovin' as a way to keep up with my favorite blogs. Thank you always for your kind comments here! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Down the Lane

So this is June already. It feels wonderful to be walking in the month of June,  in the bright,  warm sunlight and not feeling "hot." Just down the lane (or alley actually) from us is this colorful display  of flowers along a white fence. After putting away our recycling bins, I walked down the lane to  check out this beautiful scene. Busy bees everywhere!  Warm sun brightened the already vibrant colors of these flowers.  Such a simple pleasure to pass by this way each day.  Hope you're having a nice weekend.   I had an old friend in town that I haven't seen for years. It was a nice we'd just picked up from where we'd left off.  :-) Becca