Nature's Paint
Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to drop in to say a quick hello before I
take a little break and unplug for a few days.
The hubs and I are taking a little trip over to the Olympic Peninsula
to celebrate our 7th year wedding anniversary!
So, before we hit the road, I wanted to share this fun little
project I tried.
One misty, rainy day last week, I gathered up
some flowers and leaves from around the yard, and
experimented making prints of them on
paper and fabric.
The above photo is of a print I made from a
lace leaf maple leaf onto a piece of watercolor paper.
I had so much fun picking up little flowers to try on my print.
The photos below, I used a piece of canvas fabric, or
duck cloth I believe it's called.
Some of the flower pieces were easy to remove,
others left a heavier stain.
When I get home I'm going to see how it looks and possibly
add some embroidery .
add some embroidery .
For now, I just covered the piece with wax paper and pressed it in a book
for further drying.
for further drying.
I'm really happy with how it turned out.
I'm thinking next I will try a little beeswax over it.
Have you ever tried doing this before?
If you want to see a great tutorial on how to do this, Kim from
has a great one.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the rugged Washington Coastline,
and doing a little beach combing!
I think we're going to get some rain while we're there, but that's never
stopped us from walking on the beach before!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, and
I'll catch up with you when we return.
I hope you have a wonderful time away and congrats on your anniversary!
I hope you two had a terrific anniversary!
xo Catherine
Kate :}