
Showing posts from April, 2011

Hanging On To Memories

I have loved this place for years. Due to circumstances, change is inevitable,  and I have to say "goodbye."  Some of the photos you may have already seen, but I hope you'll understand my need to share them at this time.     Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love,  the things you are,  the things you never want to lose.  Wishing you all a beautiful weekend.   Becca

Sharing Some Garden Pretties

Do you know what these are?  Well, they are all that's left of my beautiful bearded irises this year.  If only their beautiful flowers would stick around a bit longer, but it always gives me something to look forward to each spring.  Other things around my garden... Agave plant (am I the only one that thinks of tequila when I see this plant?)  These bulbs are Star Gazer Lilies. I had this flower in my wedding bouquet so I'm really excited to see if I can get this to grow before it gets too hot here.  I can't believe I even found this at our nursery here in Las Vegas, it's Rhubarb! I only planted 2 bulbs, but as you can see it's really doing well so far.  So, what's growing in your garden?   Do any of you have experience growing rhubarb?  I would be interested in any tips you have to offer.   ...looking forward to the weekend!  Becca 

Art & Garden Time

Wow, can you believe it's already Friday?   I can't...I've had this whole week off from my job, and it's so funny how time flies when you are enjoying yourself isn't it?  Maybe you remember I was taking Christy's on line She Art Workshop. I can't tell you enough how much I have enjoyed this class!  (don't forget to check out the link on my sidebar)  Until now, I've always been curious but a bit intimidated by canvas and paint. Christy has really helped me to forget my insecurities and just do it!  This was actually my "first" attempt.  It's supposed to be me in Seattle, but I kind of turned out skinny and with red hair. LOL!  I loved being able to tell a story with paint & glue.  It didn't matter to me if it was perfect, it was me living my dream in Seattle and that's the part of the process I enjoyed the most.  These don't really look like blue hydrangeas, but to me, that's what they are, and I love th...

Memories of the Sea

I don't know about you, but I NEVER get tired of experiencing the ocean. The feel of the sand between my toes, the smell of the salt water air, the sound of the waves, and of course, seeing the beauty of it all. Our last day at the ocean, we spent walking on the fishing pier and watching the sun go down.  I wanted to share some of those memories with you.  Of course, there were a few fish tacos, beer, and some antique shopping that I don't have photos of, but you get the picture right? I hope you are enjoying your week.  Along with laundry and cleaning out some closets, I have been enjoying the "She Art Workshop" I'm taking on line.   I have really enjoyed getting my hands dirty with paint and glue!  Hopefully I will have some of my art girls to show you soon. Please take a look at Christy's She Art Workshop by clicking on the link on my sidebar. Becca