Art & Garden Time

Wow, can you believe it's already Friday?  
I can't...I've had this whole week off from my job, and it's so funny how time flies when you are enjoying yourself isn't it? 

Maybe you remember I was taking Christy's on line She Art Workshop.
I can't tell you enough how much I have enjoyed this class! 
(don't forget to check out the link on my sidebar) 

Until now, I've always been curious but a bit intimidated by canvas and paint.
Christy has really helped me to forget my insecurities and just do it! 

This was actually my "first" attempt.  It's supposed to be me in Seattle, but I kind of turned out skinny and with red hair. LOL! 

I loved being able to tell a story with paint & glue. 

It didn't matter to me if it was perfect, it was me living my dream in Seattle and that's the part of the process I enjoyed the most. 

These don't really look like blue hydrangeas, but to me, that's what they are, and I love that I could express that on canvas in my own way.  
With art, it's not always what other people think, but how you "feel" with the process. 

I thought I'd show you my messy art room.  It also doubles as a guest room, so I have a big queen bed and chair with ottoman in here as well.  
I wish I could spread out more to create, but I am greatful for  the space I have for now. 
(Yes, that's an almost finished Mimosa in the background) :-o 

We also spent some time de-winterizing our outdoor space. 
Our palm trees have grown so tall, that I need a ladder now to reach the dead palms. 
Yes, I trim the palms myself...I actually enjoy it. 
There were so many dead fronds from the cold weather that I really had to trim them back to get to green.  

I don't know if you remember, but I showed you a photo of this bird nest in a tree that's across the street from me.  It was when the tree didn't have any leaves on it, so I wanted to take a photo of it now with all the green. 

I still wonder if it will be repurposed this spring, or if it will just remain there unused.  

Well, I'm off to get my hands messy with paint again. 
I hope you are spending this weekend with those you love.  
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter. 



Anonymous said…
Beautiful work!
Happy Easter to you and your family Becca kisses!
Jillayne said…
Love them Becca, just love 'em! And maybe if you had gone to Seattle when you were hoping to, you might have dyed your red - who knows...
They look like such fun and I can tell you're loving it! I am just starting on week two but haven't painted since my last post - hopefully on Sunday and/or Monday I'll have some time to get dirty myself.
Have a great Easter and enjoy!
Catherine said…
Your artwork looks awesome Becca! You did very very well.

I think a messy craft area is a sign of creativeness is it not? :)

Looks like you are enjoying some lovely weather. The sun has actually been shining the last few days ~ hooray!!

Happy Easter weekend to you!
xo Catherine
Pamela said…
I love love that girl!!! She could be me!!! Excellent Becca!!!
I want a craft room too now!
Wow, that is a fantastic picture for your first try. I do not have a craft room; a sewing room squished in beside the furnace in the basement. A photography studio in the dining room, only room that has good light. Have a great weekend.
christina said…
these pieces are just gorgeous! i love em.
Becca, I just LOVE what you are doing...your pieces are just beautiful! Really makes me want to get in and create's been awhile! You are inspiring me!
Diane said…
LOVE She-art!! And wonderful pics of your bright sunny home and yard--it has been non-stop rain and wind here for 2 days! Happy Easter to you!
Unknown said…
Your gals look fabulous. They are both wonderful.. I just love the Seattle gal. The way you incorporated all of your favorite things.. Too cool..

Hugs, Linda
lilylovekin said…
Love to see your new work. And the picture of your studio, it looks like my dinning table full of paints and gel medium! It is good to have time off of work, it is always amazing how fast it goes. Enjoy your Easter week-end.
Dorthe said…
Becca- Your paintings are wonderful-I love all the layers, and I would love to know how you are doing all them textutes-it looks gorgeus.
Justine said…
you are so talented! your artwork looks fantastic.
Lisa said…
I really love your art! Makes me want to do something creative now. :) Your art room/guest room is awesome. Glad you had a great week off.
Lisa Gordon said…
It looks like you are really enjoying your workshop Becca, and I am enjoying you, enjoying it!!!
Fantastic work!
Judy S. said…
Nice work, Becca! I hope you had a lovely Easter. Would you believe we just took a photo of the same kind of palm tree? For some reason they seem able to survive here!
Rosie Grey said…
How wonderful Becca! These girls look just gorgeous! You are so talented!
ELK said…
well I think that your paintings are really filled with fun ... and a mimosa always makes time in the studio even better!!

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