Memories of the Sea

I don't know about you, but I NEVER get tired of experiencing the ocean.
The feel of the sand between my toes, the smell of the salt water air, the sound of the waves, and of course, seeing the beauty of it all.

Our last day at the ocean, we spent walking on the fishing pier and watching the sun go down. 
I wanted to share some of those memories with you. 

Of course, there were a few fish tacos, beer, and some antique shopping that I don't have photos of, but you get the picture right?

I hope you are enjoying your week.  Along with laundry and cleaning out some closets, I have been enjoying the "She Art Workshop" I'm taking on line.   I have really enjoyed getting my hands dirty with paint and glue!  Hopefully I will have some of my art girls to show you soon.
Please take a look at Christy's She Art Workshop by clicking on the link on my sidebar.



Catherine said…
Oh how I would love to be sitting on a warm beach by the ocean experiencing sand between my toes!! Sigh.... so lovely.

Thank you for sharing your photos Becca ~ fantastic!
xo Catherine
Pamela said…
Fantastic photos Becca!
I love being right by the ocean. Some mornings i can smell it too.
I just wish we had the same climate as California!

Taco's and beer sound yummy!!!
Beautiful photos, Becca! I always enjoy seeing photos of the movement in water! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Looking forward to seeing the art you're working on!
Karen Mae said…
I'm not lucky enough to get to enjoy the ocean just any old day, but I have been lucky enough to visit a couple of times. Your sunset is gorgeous!
Unknown said…
Your photo's are beautiful.. I just love watching the sunset there in San Diego.. You captured it perfectly..
Can't wait to see your "She Art Girl"
I don't know if I will be brave enough to show mine..

Hugs, Linda
Angela said…
Thank you, I really enjoyed this post. The sound added so much to it! I was born and grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas. I seldom get to the beach anymore and I miss it.
Judy S. said…
Wonderful photos, Becca! Don't you just love pelicans?
Justine said…
oh you've made me jealous again, these are fantastic, so wish I was by the sea. I sent you something yesterday so hopefully it gets to you soon.
Daydream Living said…
Hi Becca,
Your photo's are just stunning! I too love the sea, we are heading to France tomorrow (we are landlocked here in switzerland) so I'm very happy! Have a good Easter,
andrea creates said…
there is nothing more relaxing than sitting on the beach and listening to the ocean :)
thanks for sharing!
Caterina Giglio said…
wow, thanks for taking me back to the sea! i love this post.... you really transported me Becca!! xx
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, these are gorgeous!
I love the sunset series.
Makes me so want summer to hurry and get here!
jena said…
ooh what a great sunset- gorgeous shots! Makes me long for the ocean even more now, haha!
lilylovekin said…
I almost thought I was going to see the "green flash" with your sunset photos they were so gorgeous. I think a trip to the ocean is definitely in my future.
I've kept this post up on my computer ALL day! I love the images of the ocean! It puts me in a good mood and gives me happiness! enjoy your weekend and thanks for the memories! ♥
Hi Becca,

Glad to hear that you had a great trip to La Jolla - your photogrpahs are beaautiful.
Happy Easter,

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