Windy and Cooler with a Chance of Rain

Along with Springtime in the desert comes those cooler,  very windy days that make you want to wrap up in a blanket, read a book and drink hot tea. 
This weekend is one of those times. 
My biggest concern is that my container of bearded iris won't survive the strong winds.
I've tied them up with a bit of twine to help hold them steady so they won't snap in the gusts of wind. 
So far, so good...
this is my first bloom this year.
It's a bit challenging to take macro shots in the wind, but here a few I thought you might enjoy. 

I didn't realize that iris's had such a sparkle to them until I started shooting with a macro lens. 

Hope it's beautiful springtime weather where you are. 

Have a lovely weekend, 


andrea creates said…
wow, what beautiful photos! i didn't realize they were so shimmery up close either...
it's warm and muggy here-working on a thunderstorm.
have a great weekend~
Yesterday I went to a childs birthday party at the park. The mom was new to Las Vegas and didn't seem to realize it's not sunny here all the time! We quickly had to move indoors when it started raining on us!
I didn't know that Iris would grow here. Iris are one of my favorite bulbs. The purple is so beautiful!
Happy Week-end!
Beautiful, Becca...I can see the glistening texture of the iris!
Catherine said…
Iris' are very sparkly aren't they ~ you have captured their beauty Becca ~ fantastic!! Marco lens ~ always enjoyable!

It's sunny and warm here in Saskatchewan ~ I hope it stays!! :)

Happy weekend friend!
xo Catherine
lilylovekin said…
I see the sparkles of your iris's they are like mica. Great shots. Enjoy your week-end.
Caterina Giglio said…
fabulous post and yes they look like you glitter dusted them!! just beautiful and I love hearing the chimes!! xx
Unknown said…
Oh WOW.. I love your shots.. You know how to use that Macro lens so well..

Hugs, Linda
Anonymous said…
Love the color purple. I have one iris that hides in the bushes and surprises me every year... but it's still to early for him to bloom.

I'll bet the windy days make your chimes play some lovely tunes... that's one good thing about wind.

Becca,,,it is freezing here and raining....rained all night....absolutely no hurry on the little will be a surprise when it comes no matter when...
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, these are just gorgeous!!!
That purple is just wonderful.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Sarah Knight said…
Beautiful! I love irises - ours don't bloom until June... we have to settle for the crocuses right now.
: )
ELK said…
you made my day . stunning moments here . hope they were OK
Anonymous said…
That is some spectacular blue and what glitter on this flower, wind, no wind, your shots are fantastic. xox Corrine
Pamela said…
Awesome photos Becca!
I really dislike the wind. Back home gets very windy. That is one i don't miss at all.

How did your dinner turn out? It sounded quite yummy!

I used to have the identical wind chimes that you have here. The same sound as this playing. All my windchimes eventually fell apart from the hot sun and wind. I will have to get myself a set one of these days. Maybe they will block out the tree frogs at 2am!!
.Trudi Sissons said…
I LOVE your macros and the wind chimes paired with the audio - it's magical! I'll be back.
Carole said…
gorgeous photos - fab :)
My Grama's Soul said…
Hi Becca.....found you over at French Buttons. I, too, have tons of Iris. Living in AZ...these are the only bulbs that seem to grow. I have not attempted to shoot them with a macro lens. yours are quite interesting. BTW.....what kind of camera are you using. I simply have a little Canon digital but am thinking about upgrading.

Karen Mae said…
Your iris look like they've been sprinkled with fairy dust!
Terrific shots ( again! :-) )
Have a great day, Karen

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