
Showing posts from June, 2011

Flower Conservatory

I have been enjoying my time in Seattle so much. Cooler temperatures, greenery, and beautiful flowers are just a few of the wonderful things here! The following photos are from our visit to the Flower Conservatory at Volunteer Park. Such beauty here, I just had to share it with you!  Peace, tranquility and love, Becca

Art Play

Hi friends!  I'm still going crazy for watercolor.  I signed up to take Martha Leaver's  Color Drop Flower Workshop It's really been fun and she has some great videos to share!  I still feel like I need lots of practice making these cute little flowers, but no matter what, I find it very relaxing to work with this medium. Then...I caught the  Zentangle  bug! Have you tried this?   Sure, it's doodling, but there is so much information about it on line, it's addicting!  So, here's some Color Drop Flower workshop stuff.  Well, there ya have it!  My friend Corrine from  "Dosfishes" couldn't have said it any better in her latest post... "fine art no, but art play yes! We're heading up to Seattle for a little break from our triple digit heat here in Las Vegas.  I know my blogging buddies that live up there don't want to hear this, but I really wouldn't have minded seeing a bit of rain, but it's supposed to be ...

Tea in the Garden

Since I had the day off today, I thought I'd join the ladies over at Kimmie's blog Art in Red Wagons for  Tea on Tuesday One of the plants I have in a container in my "small" garden courtyard is a  Lily of the Nile (agapanthus africanus) This time of year when the temperatures are "hot" is when this  garden beauty thrives.  I love it's tolerance to the heat, because while I struggle to keep some of my other  plants happy, the Lily of the Nile blossoms!  Strange looking buds,  but the color is magnificent! Soft purple flowers open up on long stems. One of these days, I won't be lazy, and I'll get out my tripod for better macro shots. Even the slightest breeze will move these towering beauties. Thank you for visiting and chatting with me over tea on this Tuesday.  Wishing you a happy rest of the week!  Becca 

Creating Art with Tea Bags

As summer approaches and the sunshine is plentiful here in the  desert southwest, I drink a lot of this... Making sun tea here only takes a short time. I've been using 6 regular size tea bags for the above container. (I like a pretty strong flavor)  You can add sugar or not, I enjoy it with a little mint leaves & lemon and  sometimes an added sweetener.  I started having so many tea bags and I've seen my friend Kimmie   create art with them, so I thought I'd give it a try!  I just let the bags completely dry,  remove the tag & staple then open them up carefully and empty the tea. Open the bags at the seam line and this is what you have,  beautifully tea stained papers for collage, sewing, etc.  Here, I used old dictionary book paper to create my flower design on water color paper.  I painted the flowers with watercolors.  Collaged torn tea bags onto the background, then stitched around  each flower for ...