Art Play

Hi friends! 
I'm still going crazy for watercolor. 
I signed up to take Martha Leaver's 
It's really been fun and she has some great videos to share! 

I still feel like I need lots of practice making these cute little flowers, but no matter what, I find it very relaxing to work with this medium.

Then...I caught the Zentangle bug!
Have you tried this?  
Sure, it's doodling, but there is so much information about it on line, it's addicting! 

So, here's some Color Drop Flower workshop stuff. 

Well, there ya have it! 
My friend Corrine from 
couldn't have said it any better in her latest post...

"fine art no, but art play yes!

We're heading up to Seattle for a little break from our triple digit heat here in Las Vegas. 
I know my blogging buddies that live up there don't want to hear this, but I really wouldn't have minded seeing a bit of rain, but it's supposed to be absolutely beautiful with highs in the 70's.
Summertime in Seattle is beautiful if you've never been there. 
I have my watercolor journal and travel paints packed along with my MacBook and camera, so I'm ready for some fun! 

Hope your having a great week, and I'll be around to catch up with you all soon! 



Your watercolors are delightful! My 15 year old has a natural knack for zentangle. I'd like to figure out both. :/ We are in triple high digits each and every day here i the desert. Have a great time in Seattle. Tammmy
Justine said…
such beautiful colours so perfectly painted! you are clever and your course looks great, look forward to seeing more!
Justine said…
such beautiful colours so perfectly painted! you are clever and your course looks great, look forward to seeing more!
Justine said…
such beautiful colours so perfectly painted! you are clever and your course looks great, look forward to seeing more!
Justine said…
such beautiful colours so perfectly painted! you are clever and your course looks great, look forward to seeing more!
Diane said…
I love the effect that the watercolors give--beautiful!
We went to Seattle a few years ago--one of my most favorite cities. I envy you!
andrea creates said…
your watercolors are so pretty!
have a great trip :)
Anonymous said…
We are having a warm, but rainy week... and we never complain about the rain, especially when so much of our country is going dry right now.

I can tell you are having fun with your artwork... love the leaves!

TexWisGirl said…
those are beautiful, and we can feel the fun you had coming thru them. :)

enjoy your trip!
ELK said…
enjoy your trip!! love the watercolor flowers and I say YES! to the art quote ..makes for fun!!
Tracy said…
Sooo... sooo lovely, Becca...*swoon*... Has me itching to dig out my paints and join you! Enjoy your trip...wishing you safe & happy day! :o) ((HUGS))
Judy S. said…
I hope you're right about our weather! It cleared up late yesterday but is 55 at the sis arrives on Friday but the weekend weather is supposed to be not very good. Sigh. Hope you can work your magic! BTW, how long are you here? Have a lovely anniversary celebration! (Loved your photos, esp. the lily of the nile...used to grow 'em in San Diego)
Dianne said…
very cute cards! wonderful photos of your Lily of the Nile about a card featuring them? aren't watercolors fun?!
Steph said…
These a looking great, Becca!!! I love coming by....for a moment, I was looking for birds in my room :))...but this "ambience" you've created is absolutely something I look fprward's calming and meditative.....
Unknown said…
These look amazing Bec.. I just love how they are turning out.. They do look like they would be a lot of fun to play with.. I will be praying that you get a little rain while you are on your travels.

Hugs, Linda
Love your beautiful watercolors! Have a great time in Seattle!! The weather here in Illinois has been on the cool side. It seems so strange to not have scorching weather everyday. :)
Becca's Dirt said…
Seeing your work makes me want to get back into watercolor painting. I used to love it and just stopped. It is so relaxing and is good therapy too.
Pamela said…
Hi Becca!!

I am so behind on my bloggging!!!
I love this art and i am the queen of doodles!! lol!! I have to check this out!

When you leave??? The weather here is finally warm and oh so beautiful!!!
Lovely day and i don't have to work till 7pm tonight!
My job is so stressful oh i don't like it!!!!

Have a great trip if i missed you already Becca!!

Pamela xoxo
Anonymous said…
Some pretty sweet art play going on here, soft and lush like your photos. Thanks for the nice mention. Enjoy Seattle! xox Corrine
lilylovekin said…
Have a wonderful time in Seattle, and continue with your artplay. I was cancelled and will start my get away a day early YEAH!!! Enjoy yours.
Lisa Gordon said…
These are wonderful Becca, and I am definitely going to check out Zentangle!
You are a fantastic artist and those watercolor flowers prove you can draw, too.

Gotta admit, I made ONE zentangle and hated the whole process. Hate that I grip the pen so hard it puts my hand to sleep. Hate that I can only do a little bit before my arm aches too badly to continue. Yep, I hate them. Glad you are so good at them. Looks like you got the bug alright!
Catherine said…
There's just something about sitting by paint and paper and color that does the soul good. Very fun art indeed Becca!

Hope you get some rain to help with your heat!
xo Catherine
Unknown said…
You've taken to watercolors like a duck (or a paintbrush) takes to water :)

Enjoy your getaway! I's always fun to go to a place that is opposite what you're used to. I'm sure you'll get your raindrops too ;)
Jillayne said…
Love that term "Art Play" - much more approachable!
It looks like you are having fun yet again trying new things and I don't think you need to practice at all - your flowers are too cute!
Hope your week was/is a great one and you get the cooler weather you're looking for - we have loads of it here!!
christina said…
i adore water colors!! and each time i see your art- i kind of squeal. ; )
has this class just begun? i think i would love it.
: )
love you!

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