Friday Finds

Bleeding Hearts. 

I discovered these in my front yard a couple of weeks ago!

Since the weather has been nice, I have been outside a lot lately

just exploring our surroundings.

I was thrilled to find this Bleeding Heart plant right in my own front yard! 

I've only seen pictures of them on other blogs, until now. 

Such delicate little flowers they are!  

So, I thought this was the perfect thing to share this week on 

Kim Klassen's 

Hope you discover something new and wonderful too this weekend! 


Since Google Reader will be no more as of July 1st, I have chosen
Bloglovin' as a way to keep up with my favorite blogs.
Thank you always for your kind comments here!


TexWisGirl said…
they are beautiful! i love your new world. :)
Unknown said…
Beautiful! I love this Bleeding Hearts. The leaves are as delicate as the flower.
Catherine said…
Bleeding Hearts are one of my favourites. My white ones are just starting to pop through!
Have a happy weekend!
xo Catherine
Anonymous said…
These are gorgeous shots of the bleeding heart plant! I'm still trying to decide what to do about a reader, so I'm glad to see you mention bloglovin'. That's probably where I'll go, too...
bleeding hearts has always been one of my favorites...we had a large plant of them outside the front door when I was growing up in Wisconsin - always remind me of that home...
Silvina Soave said…
Preciosas fotos y excelentes fotografías!!
Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana.
Margaret said…
I really like the angle with which you took these photos. Bleeding hearts are so dramatic!
Anonymous said…
I love them too, mine are almost done for the season so I keep flinging the seed pods all over the woods and hoping some new plants come up. doesn't take long for them to just grow wild. I also find a frilly white one, but it's not so prolific.....xox
andrea creates said…
they're so pretty!
have a lovely weekend, and thanks for stopping by :)
Kate said…
Love the colors!! (I'm really liking bloglovin!)
Kate :}
Oh my, I havent seen bleeding hearts yet this year.... I used to press these little hearts and made Valentine cards and such with them. What a fun find you have!

Warm regards,
Judy S. said…
Lucky you! Bleeding Hearts are one of my favorite flowers. Finally getting caught up with a bit of blogging after our trip to PA.
Janine Bollée said…
Truly :-)
GardenOfDaisies said…
LOVE them! My mom always has some of those growing in her yard.
Lisa Graham said…
I did not know what bleeding hearts looked like...I do now. Beautiful!

Already following you on Bloglovin'.

Thanks for your last comment Becca...coming up with titles for the paintings is almost just as fun as painting them. :)
Unknown said…
They sure are beautiful. How fun to find them in your own front yard..

Tracy said…
LOVELY bleeding hearts, Becca! Sadly, we lost our bleeding heart to damp weather last years. I hope we can get a new one this summer--would love a white one especially. Happy Flower Days, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Justine said…
these are so pretty and beautifully photographed. I had white ones in my garden but they didn't flower properly, I am very envious!
Caterina Giglio said…
simply gorgeous, your photos are always so splendid!
Anonymous said…
Stunning photos, beautifully photographed..
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, these are wonderful.
Such fantastic focus in the first one, and I love the way you composed it.

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