A vintage surprise!

Hi everyone, hope your weekend is off to a great start! 
My weekend is starting off with a surprise parcel from a dear blogging friend!
I have been doing some hand stitching lately, and started searching for a "real thimble." 
The kind you buy at the craft store today are not the type I remember my Mom using.
My friend, Linda from 
sent me 2 beautiful antique thimbles from her Etsy shop, along with some other surprises! 

Here are a few other goodies Linda sent with the thimbles. 
This vintage Bingo card, I've seen these on blogs before, but never in person.  Linda knows how much I
like vintage games.  She always finds a lot of really neat game pieces. 

Rick Rack
I remember Mom using Rick Rack on some of my dresses when I was a little girl. 
I also love reading the packaging here, it was "laboratory tested" by J.C. Penney & Co. 

Beautiful fall colors of seam binding and cotton thread! 

I just had to show you one more view of the thimbles. 
Look at the little bird etched on the small thimble, isn't that neat? 
Thanks again Linda, I love everything! 
I hope you'll visit Linda's Blog to see all of her beautiful vintage finds, and see what she has in her Etsy shop.

This photo is from a selection of photos I took in my courtyard the other day.  
I was taking them directly into the afternoon sunlight.
A professional would probably wonder what the heck I was thinking taking the photo into the sun, but I kind of like the effect I got,  what do you think? 

Just wanted to also send out a  Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my blogging friends in Canada!

I'm off to enjoy some more of this beautiful weather we are having. 
See you soon, 



Anonymous said…
Dear Dear Patina Moon! Good to see you today! Have a lovely weekend!!
gail said…
Hi Becca-The thimbles are beautiful and so are the photos.
Unknown said…
How fun! Don't you just love getting goodies in the mail..

Those thimbles are like you said the same ones I remember my mom having... I think she still does.
Very cool.. I love your court yard photo.. It's beautiful..

Hugs, Linda
Becca~ you are so sweet!! Your photos are SO beautiful, I would love to take photos this pretty! It was fun to see the engraving on the thimble so close up! XO
Catherine said…
Well look at you ~ you lucky girl! Those thimbles are adorable ~ so wonderful! I do like how your photo turned out of your flowers shooting into the direct light. Very pretty.

We are having such beautiful weather here too Becca. It actually feels like what summer should have been. I hope it lasts for awhile longer!

You have a terrific weekend too Becca!
xo Catherine
What beautiful vintage treasures! I love the beautiful colors of thread! Enjoy your weekend ! ♥
Elaine said…
Great shares on this post. I remember my grandmothers always used a thimble.
Wonderful photo of the rose backlite by the sun. What a great gift, the thimbles are beautiful. I like the one with the birds. Take care and have great weekend.
Lynn Stevens said…
Beautiful photos and that thimble is gorgeous! What a sweet friend!
Justine said…
my mother has thimbles, still uses them, the package is wonderful and I remember lots of those things - the threads etc, memories!!
andrea creates said…
what a great little collection of fun vintage things!
Anonymous said…
What sweet, fun and thoughtful gifts!
Hugs, Diane
lilylovekin said…
How nice to get such a sweet yet practical package in the mail. The thimble with the bird on it is gorgeous.
Jillayne said…
Lovely thimbles Becca - and you're so right, the ones in the stores now are nothing like the old ones! I do like the effect of the direct sun in your photo; it kind of blurred out the background so the flower is emphasized. Very effective! And thanks for the Thanksgiving well wishes, turkey was good!
Lisa Gordon said…
So many wonderful memories here! Wonderful post.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Lynn said…
Hi Becca,
Thank you for visiting and for the Thanksgiving wishes on your blog here. I am Canadian.
I love your photographs, to me you are a professional and I don't believe in rules either, I love what you captured in the sunlight :) I do the same too.
You gifted thimbles are gorgeous, great second shot of them too, lovely gifts from your friend.
Alisa Noble said…
I'm so pleased to "meet" you, Becca! And happy I could inspire you to take out your beeswax!

What a fabulous package to receive. The etched thimble is gorgeous!

Alisa Noble said…
I'm so pleased to "meet" you, Becca! And happy I could inspire you to take out your beeswax!

What a fabulous package to receive. The etched thimble is gorgeous!

Anonymous said…
The thimbles! How lovely!!

Lynda said…
Beautiful treasures! Those thimbles are gorgeous!
~ Lynda
Betty Jo said…
What pretties! Your photos are wonderful. I really love the macro of the two thimbles.
Becky Shander said…
Wow, how gorgeous! And the photography is so stunning.

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