One November Morning...

One November morning…

I went for a walk, 

…close to home,


…listening to the sounds of nature,

…watching the reflection on the water, 

…feeling the sunshine, 


…quiet, peaceful,

…simply enjoying the beauty that surrounds me...

…on this November morning.

Feeling grateful for so many things…



RURAL said…
Beautiful shots live in a gorgeous part of the world.

I love your new look, it's very fresh and easy to read.

andrea creates said…
your photos are stunning!

i agree-i love your new banner too
: )
Gorgeous surroundings.....super fotos!
Caterina Giglio said…
what a beautiful walk and thank you for taking me with you... purely gorgeous.. x
TexWisGirl said…
just beautiful subdued colors of almost-winter. :)
Unknown said…
So many pretty photos. I knew it was foggy this morning because I was awakened to the sound of the fog horns from the boats.. Loving it here...

She Who Doodles said…
beautiful photos, love the cute duck butts in the air. it's been so beautiful but cold here in the NW lately, hope it holds out thru the holiday weekend.
Lisa Gordon said…
What a beautiful walk, Becca, and I love your new design here.

I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Anonymous said…
Fantastic shots. Is this near the Japanese garden and the walkway out to the lake. We did that walk, although many moons ago now. xox
Enjoying the beauty that surrounds us...that's the most important thing to do and the best way to live your life! You took beautiful photos, too and gave us joy as well! Enjoy your week my friend! Happy Thanksgiving!
Rosie Grey said…
What a beautiful beautiful morning, Becca! Thanks so much for taking me around with you!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
leanne can blog said…
What a beautiful place to walk, it looks so quiet & peaceful. Lovely photos.
Tracy said…
*SIGH*... so much to be thankful for. :o) Hope you & yours had a lovely Thanksgiving full of blessings, happiness & pumpkin pie...and belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Becca ((HUGS))
Yes, yes, and yes! My feelings exactly! Blessings to you, Tammy
Kate said…
These are beautiful Becca! You had some great light!!
Kate :}
Catherine said…
Look at all your beautiful color! Oh I am jealous my friend.

xo Catherine
Lorraine said…
love the atmospheric the pebble crochet stones and Stella photo is fab
Anonymous said…
Love it when duckies stand on their head and show their feathered behinds. LOL

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