A Happy Friday Doodle!

Sharing a bright doodle today and...
a bright sounding Gypsy Jazz song to go along for 

This journal isn't meant for watercolor, hence the wrinkly page.
Still, I just stuck a piece of wax paper behind it and painted away! 

I hope you'll take the time to visit all the other entries for PPF, there's some amazing stuff over there! 

 Happy Friday everyone!



Netty said…
wow your doodles are awesome, such fab colours. Happy PPF and have a blessed Easter, Annette x
Flo said…
Wonderful Doddles Becca and the colors are gorgeous!!!
Anonymous said…
this is beautiful - I love the intricate doodles you do and the colours here are gorgeous.
Anonymous said…
Such beautiful colours and design.
Tracy said…
LOVE the rich colors and the peacock-feather-like radiance...wonderful composition, Becca! :o) Wishing you a lovely weekend ((HUGS))
Diane said…
I love how the color just jumps off of the page--beautiful!!
Diane said…
I love how the color just jumps off of the page--beautiful!!
Tracey FK said…
Who cares if the page is crinkly... it is worth it for such lovely vibrant paint... this is so joyful... love it... hope you have a happy and safe Easter ...xx
Torunn said…
Beautiful Becca! Have a nice Easter.
Love these warm happy colors. :) Brilliant!
Corrine said…
that is one happy doodle, love these colors as you know!!! Gypsy jazz, yum. xox
Anonymous said…
That's the great thing about art... you can do whatever your wee heart desires. :-))
Catherine said…
Such happy colors in your journal Becca! Sweet!
Happy Good Friday Friend!
xo Catherine
TexWisGirl said…
it's really pretty. beautiful colors.
carol l mckenna said…
Lovely and colorful 'doodles' ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^
Sherri B. said…
How beautiful! I truly love this, and thank you for mentioning Paint Party Friday. I had not heard of it and it sounds like fun!
Lorraine said…
Love the design and colours!
Unknown said…
Very happy Doodling indeed. Love those bright colors. And the shading looks fabulous..

Hugs, Linda
Judy S. said…
Very nice! The closeup makes me think of a butterfly's wing. Have a great weekend.
Marji said…
Beautiful pages. Wax paper is a great idea! Hmmmm, never thought of that. Happy PPF!
Susan said…
Beautiful! Hope you have a great weekend!
Debbie said…
This is so beautiful! Maybe you can use this doodle design for another work.
I love painting on the wrong paper :) Wax paper is a good idea, though - especially when my daughter is painting too, since she uses more water than I do
Simon said…
Love the way you've photographed your work. The colors in your art work are so vibrant and cheerful.
Gillian Olson said…
Beautiful cheerful colours.
Anna said…
this looks like FUN! I love your color choices too. Happy PPF!
Mary C. Nasser said…
Beautifully painted petals, Becca!
The page I painted on in my sketchbook just wrinkled yesterday, too. :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
GlorV1 said…
Hi Becca. Excellent doodling as you say, but it looks more like a wonderful painting to me. Nice job. Happy Easter and PPF!
RURAL said…
Becca, you have a stunning and unmistakable style. It's gorgeous and so "you".

Have you ever considered fabric design? I could really see some of your work being showcased on some amazing fabrics. Maybe someone knows how to submit your work....

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Numinosity said…
This totally reminds me of some of the vibrant carving I saw on some of the trucks in India. I think you can see an example on one of my India posts. You always seems to have the most crisp and bright almost illuminated eye candy for us. Thanks! and have a great weekend.
xoxo Kim
Lesley Edmonds said…
You can;t beat a good doodle and if it's wrinkling then - hay! - let it wrinkle. Gorgeous!! Happy Easter.
Geckostone said…
Oh wow, this is spectacular and you used my fave color combos! Love the music too! Deb
Connie said…
Just found your blog . . . fabulous! I am so intrigued with your journal doodle. The powerful colors and the bohemian style of it is so fantastic. I've meandered down through some of your posts and I'm in love with your blog. So, I've decided to become your newest follower. I see that you have a long list of followers, but I would still like to put out a warm invitation to come and visit my blog. I would love to have you as a follower, my welcome mat is always out. Connie :)
Siggadisart said…
Very nice, like your colors, so bright and nice.
carlarey said…
Gorgeous! I love the bold colors you used, and the patterns, it reminds me of peacock feathers.
Lisa Graham said…
Every single color and every single pattern flows so well in this drawing/painting...I just love it! It's what I imagine a hippie sunflower looks like. : )
EVA said…
Absolutely gorgeous!
christina said…
this is so pretty. i need to doodle more. ; )

happy easter, my friend.

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