Irises for Easter

Sharing my "wind-blown" bearded irises with you 
for Easter Sunday.

I planted bearded iris bulbs in this large plastic container about 8 years ago.

Amazingly, every year around Easter, they bloom for me. :-)

Every year though, they battle the gusty, spring winds we get here in the desert.  
Their long, gorgeous stems blew sideways this year, covering my favorite chair.

I kind of like the photo opportunity it gave me though. 

It will make me sad to say goodbye to these irises when we move next month.

My friend Judy 
that lives in Bellevue, Washington she says they would do well there, and I should try to bring them.
I just need to figure out how to dig up a bulb.

See the container they are in?  They are packed pretty tightly in there, so I'm not sure how easy it would be to just dig up a bulb or two.
Any ideas?
If not, I will try to just find a happy home for them.  

 Happy Easter 



Unknown said…
These are just so gorgeous, Irises are my favourite flowers, the colours in these ones are such a gorgeous shade they must be bringing you so much daily joy!
Lesley Edmonds said…
What an amazing blue!!! Very Beautiful - you can't leave them behind! Can you take the container? If not then lift them out of the pot just before you move and split the bulbs (give some away) and the rest pop into a smaller container or wrap in damp tissue and newspaper and put a plastic bag over the wet paper securing with a tie. Leave all the flowers(if they are still there) and leaves - don't cut them off - just plant them when you get there - taking a bit of your old home to you new one :) does that make sense?
Happy Easter Becca.
Diane said…
I'm not a gardener, but Lesley sounds like she knows what she's talking about--and she's right. You need to take some of your "home comforts" to your new home. They're beautiful.
TexWisGirl said…
they're beautiful. and obviously did very well for you there. :)
Lisa Gordon said…
Your irises are just gorgeous Becca!
I wish you a most wonderful Easter.
Anonymous said…
Mine have not bloomed yet, but I did take a photo yesterday of one in a neighbor's yard. They're just so pretty. :-)
Corrine said…
Gorgeous Becca, love your chair too, looks like a perfect spot to relax. Just stick a spade in their and divide them up. Wrap some in wet paper towels and some foil, or repot for transport and give the rest away. They will recover beautifully and will like that moist pacific northwest climate nicely. xox
Lisa Graham said…
Becca, Iris bulbs are hearty and easy to transport. Take a shovel and loosen them away from the sides of the container...then take the shovel and sort of cut a section of them out...say about 3-4" diameter. It will cut some bulbs, but there should be intact ones. Do this just before you go on your trip. Wrap the bulbs in moist paper towel then put that into a plastic bag. and tie it secure. Then get them into the ground as soon as you can. You can plant them as one big lump, or break up the bulbs individually and plant a row of them. It will take some time for them to multiply again, but they will. OR take the whole container if you can.

These photos are amazing...I love the color of blue they have. Like a blue blue sky. I love how your Iris look in a container too. It gets too cold here to grow them that way.

Happy Easter my friend!
Katy Noelle said…
I have a gardening book that recommends splitting and moving iris tubers in July - a month after they bloom. So! Just before you move (as if you won't have anything else to do, then), if you can get the whole thing out of the pot - you can just cut some off with a sharp knife. Put them in a paper bag, possibly? Just some way of transporting them without letting them get to humid and rot.

I would try to take them, though - there are so many different varieties and these are just the ones you love....I would try, at least!

and, they're GORGEOUS! As are your photos of them! Just perfectly pretty! I want to do something like this, now. =]

Happy Easter! =]


Katy xo
Katy Noelle said…
I think that the deal, here, with the paper bag vs. plastic bag is if they're somewhat 'dormant' or still going strong. =] I bet that you'll be able to intuit what to do. =]

Catherine said…
Mmmm ~ that color!
Fantastic Becca!
I hope you and your sweet had a wonderful Easter!
xo Catherine
Unknown said…
These are amazing pictures. I can't wait until my irises bloom. They are pretty hardy and transplant well. They can take a lot of abuse too, so just go for it and take some of this loveliness with you.
Unknown said…
Such beautiful photos. They do look pretty with the chair in the background. I do hope you can figure out a way to take them with you.

Hugs, Linda
Tracy said…
Oh, that blue! BEAUTIFUL blue...And, yes, you MUST take 'em with you! If you can take the whole container, do--then deal with it when you get to the other end. It will be fun to see how well they do for your in Seattle. :o) Happy Easter, Becca ((HUGS))
tinajo said…
Lovely color in these flowers! :-)
What beautiful photos, Becca! And I agree with the others, you must take them with you! They will make you happy every year!
Lorraine said…
love the blue of the iris..great little doodle sketch too love the colours
Oh my goodness... that is a blue color to dream and just float away in! I can see why you would love to take them with you as someone who has travelled a LONG distance with all my belongings, I'd advice you to pass them on to someone who would be able to appreciate their beauty. Thanks for sharing the images Becca, they're just stunning.
Lin said…
Irises need to be split anyway, so why not dig up a clump and bring some with you to your new place? I think it would be a sweet reminder of where you came from.

You can dig up a clump and stick them in a bucket of dirt and just stick them in the ground when you get there. You can always dig them up and move them to a better place when you get more settled. Irises are pretty hardy.
Judy S. said…
Looks like you got lots of suggestions! They are hardy, and I know would love it here. Hope you take the challenge!
Gillian Olson said…
What a beautiful plant, I just love the colour.
Unknown said…
beautiful irises! they will do well up here!!! my husband just mercilessly slices the clump with his spade - first in half and then in half again. They're too tangled to individually separate out - you will slice some of the tubers but that won't matter. You can just throw a divided section into a pillow case and bring it up here. It should be ok if it dries out a little bit. And then soak it in water before planting it again. I think it would be totally worth the effort .....
*jean* said…
they are the most gorgeous hue of blue and purple!! i believe iris have a rhizome so you should be able to just cut a chunk of the root system and i bet you can find info if you google wishes to you during your relocation!
Pamela said…
Happy Late Easter Becca!!
Hope it was wonderful. I worked all through it and today is my first day off in five days!!
I love your beautiful!

I still cannot get my music to play whenever you go on my blog.

Pamela xo
Rebecca said…
I love irises!
My state flower here in Tennessee.
Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos with us.
She Who Doodles said…
take them container and all. they will do great up here. just not as early as in vegas.
Becky Shander said…
Wow, so stunning (the irises and the way you've captured them in your photos). I love that little peek of yellow rose at the corner too. And you should definitely try to bring some of these bulb/roots with you - it looks like you'll still have some left to share too.
That is such a beautiful shade of purpley blue. They sure are blooming beautifully in that pot. Great photos! My aunt has bulbs that she puts in her basement every year and brings out every spring to flower again. I know absolutely nothing about them. :/ Hope all is well and that you are having a great week. Tammy
GardenOfDaisies said…
This iris is the most amazing periwinkle blue color!! One of my favorites to wear. LOVE!!!
And you asked about the dogwoods. Yes, they will be fine in Seattle too. My Grandparents had a pink and a white dogwood in their yard. They were in Portland... Pretty much the same climate as Seattle.
Georgianna said…
Hi Becca, LOVE the windblown irises. It makes them more romantic and poetic, doesn't it?

Can you not bring them? Irises do fine here as long as you have some sun.

See you soon!

Barbra Joan said…
Beautiful ! Beautiful

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