My December Rose

I took this photograph on December 7th of this rose that's in a container in my courtyard. 

As you can see from this photo, it's not a bud anymore. 
I almost cut it to bring it inside to enjoy, but I'm glad I decided not to, because 
it's still there...

...this is what it looks like today, December 16th.

Everyday this past week when I get home from work,  I look out in to the courtyard to see what my rose looks like. 

Is it just me?  Isn't that kind of strange that it's lasted that many days?  
It's also been the only rose on this bush for a while.

I keep waiting for it to fade, but it looks the same to me each day.

It's been 10 days now.  I know my rose will eventually succumb to the forces of nature, but I like to think that it "caught my attention" for a reason. 
It's been a good reason to practice my photography skills if not for anything else. 

What do you think?  
What kinds of mystery have you discovered in your garden?  

It's been crazy at work the last few days.
Only one more day to go and I should be able to enjoy a bit of time off so I can get caught up with everyone and finish my Christmas preparations. 

Have a great Friday!



Unknown said…
What a beautiful rose.. looks like you had a little fun getting creative with it! Looks great!

Hugs, Linda
Numinosity said…
This is beautiful.
I was going to make a pun about it becca-ning you but now I'm embarrassed to see it in print. But here it is anyway.
Happy solstice to you and thanks for your lovely posts this past year.
xoxo Kim
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful gift and reminder to hold onto the beauty in life...some things last longer than we ever imagined possible. God's timing has no earthly explanation. Have a beautiful holiday my friend. Come the first of the year I'm going to start picking your brain for photography tips. Stunning photos! Patty
Lisa Gordon said…
These are such beautiful photos Becca!
Jillayne said…
I think it's wonderful! Funny how we notice single things - if that bush was loaded you wouldn't have been to able to focus on only one. I guess that's what's meant by less is more. there's food for thought for me... Thanks Becca. This was more inspiring than you know.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos!!!
Have a nice weekend.
Rosie Grey said…
What beautiful photos! Such a lovely rose! Stunning! There is nothing on my balcony but snow!!
Brenda Pruitt said…
A magic rose for Christmas! And what a beauty it is. As are the photos! Mine have finally succumbed, I think.
Pamela said…
Beautiful pink rose Becca! Pink roses are my favourite. This to me is definitely a sign of some sort!
Love the birds in the background...all it needs is some tree frogs and you'll know just how my yard sounds!!
Catherine said…
This is a fantastic photo Becca! No mysteries in my garden. It's nothing but white... :(

Happy Weekend!
xo Catherine
lilylovekin said…
Your rose bushes Christmas present to you, and how lovely you captured it.
Unknown said…
Pretty! :)
If you prune the flower head after it fades it will produce more

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