Christmas Happenings

Just thought I'd introduce you to my sister's new puppy, Ellie May.  
Isn't she cute?  My brother in law captured this perfect photo of her under their Christmas tree.

I've had fun making a couple of wine bags this year and hand appliqueing a design and sewing some Christmas buttons and bells on them.  Sorry I don't have a photo of the finished product, I was so busy, I stuck the wine in the bag and took off for the party!  Cheers! 

Every year my co-worker, Colene makes these yummy white-chocolate covered pretzels and gives them out to everyone at work.  They are so good, I won't even eat the store bought ones anymore! 

We're on our way to pick up my MIL at the airport. 
Our Christmas is usually pretty quiet.  It will be just the 3 of us and lots of eating, drinking, playing games, making candy & cookies, reading & relaxing and enjoying each other's company.  
I'll be checking in though from time to time and seeing what all of you are up to this beautiful week before Christmas!

Oh yes, and I wanted to tell you...
for those of you that know how much I love Seattle and the rain.
It's been raining here in Las Vegas for 3 days now, and we are loving it so much!   
It's not a down pour, but a light drizzle that reminds me of my favorite city, Seattle. 
I'd like to think of it as my little gift from God this Christmas. 



Pamela said…
Hi Becca!

Ellie May is so adorable! Love the name.
Those wine bags are such a great gift. How did you ever come up with that? That will be a big hit I'm sure.
Glad it's raining for's raining here and I wish it would snow instead lol !
You do have a small family but it sounds like you'll be having a very lovely intimate Christmas!
My Christmas's used to be so big and now it is so small in comparison . I guess I have to start new traditions.
Pamela xo

I am loving the music on your blog!
Justine said…
oh I love that puppy! I have a yellow lab. I love your other photographs, everything looks so delicious. Your Christmas sounds wonderful and thankyou for your comments about our botched plans, it's good to be in our own home not at the airport!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos and cute puppy!
Kisses and regards, Zondra Art
andrea creates said…
Glad you're enjoying the weather-
Hope you have a great Christmas- it sounds relaxing :)
Numinosity said…
What lovely photos! They definitely make me feel all Christmasy and hungry for those pretzels. I'll have to settle for Trader Joe's chocolate covered stars!
Happy Solstice... enjoy the rain... and Merry Christmas!
xoxo KIm
Lisa Gordon said…
Awww, what a sweetie!!
Love the way you captured her!
gail said…
Hi Becca Sounds like a relaxing Christmas...we have a fairly small family so ours will be quiet, too, no never mind...2 grandchildren and a new baby....okay it will be noisy but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Have a wonderful one, and some day I want to go to Seattle.....
SarahinSC said…
FINALLY someone who understands my love of the rain and Seattle! People think I'm nuts for loving the rain, at least I'm in good company!

The pup is so cute! My dog had to sit under the tree today too. Wonder why they feel like they need to do that?
Catherine said…
Ellie May is so cute! A present under the tree for sure. Those pretzels looks yummy! It sounds like you are going to have a quiet Christmas the same as me Becca. Just me, hubby, son and kitty. That's all I need for Christmas!

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas week my friend!
xo Catherine
My very favorite treat is white chocolate covered pretzels! I may break down and make some this year! Enjoy your week! ♥
Jillayne said…
What a great picture - she is a cutie for sure.
I'm glad you got your rain Becca. Seattle is a great city for sure but if you go to a Starbuck's and sit looking at the rain it will seem like you are right there!
Merry Christmas to you and have a lovely visit!
I just love seeing your pictures! Everything looks so pretty for the holidays, the picture of the puppy is so sweet! Your probably having more rain than we've had here for a few days. It was even sunny a couple of days ago. Your Christmas plans sound perfect! I hope you all enjoy your time together.
OH Ellie May is a heart stealer! And those pretzels... look. so. good.
Enjoy your rain and your fun time with your family~ you deserve it! XO
Anonymous said…
The puppy's so cute! Being naughty? LOL!
Hugs, Diane
christina said…
okay, first i see that cute puppy, and then frank starts serenading me. yes mam! im in love.

and your blackeyed peas sound fab! any secrets i should know?? big smile.

blessings to you, my friend.
Brenda Pruitt said…
Oh, please let the rain begin here! I love the name of her puppy! Merry Christmas!
Unknown said…
Ahh, what a cute little puppy.
Looks like some yummy candy you have there..

Sorry I haven't been by. I have been having internet problems. I am hoping we got them fixed.. Bruce has been on the phone with embarq.. I guess we are not the only ones... But I still can't get an email out..

Hope everything is going well with you, Hope you Russ are enjoying Mary's company!

Hugs, Linda
lilylovekin said…
Your Christmas sounds wonderful, I hope for that with my mother this year. I'm so glad it is raining for you, a gift from the heavens.
Unknown said…
Your wine bags are fabulous!! I agree there is nothing nicer than a relaxing christmas playing games and eating - exactly what were intending! Looking forward to following your site!
Anonymous said…
Ellie May is just darling! I hope she hasn't gotten curious as to the taste of Christmas trees! Maybe Santa will bring her some nice chewy toys.
Lynn Stevens said…
What a darling little puppy, No doubt hes waiting for Santa Paws!LOL
I saw on the news last night about all the rain your having, they made it sound like a monsoon hit!
Enjoy your quite Christmas, it sounds really nice. I'm afraid we it may be crazy here with the entire family! yikes!!!!
Stampindamour said…
Those pretzels looks so good! I think I'm going to go make some too!

Happy Holidays! :)


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