
The Fuchsia plant.

Not exactly a November blossom.

I took this photograph last Summer while visiting the Pacific Northwest.

It's the "color" of Fuchsia that got me thinking.

This is a Mandevilla plant.
It's in a container in my courtyard here in Las Vegas.

We have been having such beautiful, mild temperatures lately that this beauty is thriving!

Such a lovely fuchsia color to see this time of year. 

Although, the Christmas tree is up it's hard to feel "Christmassy" just yet.

I think that's about to change though, 
it's supposed to get cold and windy by tomorrow night. 

I'm not sure how this Mandevilla will weather the cold, so I wanted to share it with you today. 

I'm off now to spend some time outside enjoying the warm sun and color while it lasts.

Sending you warm, November sunshine and color for the rest of your week.  



lilylovekin said…
Your flower reminds me of my Christmas cactus that is this bright color, it always blooms this time of year and brings brightness to an other wise rather dull world. Enjoy your last days of sun.
TexWisGirl said…
yes, our weather turned to freezing these last 2 nights in NE Tx so soak in the warmth while you've got it!
Anonymous said…
Now you are just making me sad that summer is over..I have just the right yard for fuschia's and they do so well here (in the summer). xox Corrine
Dion Dior said…
Oh, seeing you beautiful photos of the fuchsia makes me so homesick. My mother loved this plant and filled our garden with it. Thanks for sharing. xx
Anonymous said…
The color or it reminds me of a hibiscus plant I had when we lived in Tempe, AZ. Love this!
Catherine said…
Sigh....I don't know Becca...I could sure use some of that warm weather. Feeling Chrismassy or not. ;)
xo Catherine
Beautiful photos, Becca...such color! I've always loved fuschias!
GardenOfDaisies said…
My mom loves fuchsias and has several pots out on her deck. They are so beautiful. Your flower really is about the same color!!
Love fuchsias, especially like this one with the bright colours and super frilly "skirts".
andrea creates said…
fuchsias are one of my all time favorite flowers!
such pretty photos :)
Tracy said…
Oh, that bright pink...be still my heart! ;o) Enjoy the sun & warm, Becca ((HUGS))
Saucy Siciliana said…
Fuchsia is my favorite color but would you believe I never knew it's also a plant? Shows my ignorance:) You have a lovely blog, and you're so pretty, what gorgeous hair you have! I noticed you like Ol' blue eyes and jazz. My daughter sings jazz and blues from the 40s 50s and 60s, she won't sing anything beyond that. I brought her up on oldies but goodies, because I grew up in New York so I was always playing that music here in Rome when she was growing up. I'm Sicilian and my husband is Japanese but at the moment we're in Rome. I'm following you immediately.
Caterina Giglio said…
well i might be able to grow hydrangeas, but everything is now covered in snow and will be for sometime... enjoy your colors...
Lisa Graham said…
Hello Becca! Your photos are lovely...makes me long for warm weather, green green grass, chirping birds and color!

I shared your Patina Moon facebook on my facebook the other day. Your creative name is still my favorite name of all blog names : )
Justine said…
can't believe you have your Christmas tree up! send over that lovely warmth. I love your shots, we used to call these ballerina flowers.
Gillian Olson said…
Beautiful photos, I love the rich pinks and purples. Your weather sounds great, we are into the winter gloomies here.
Unknown said…
Love those bright colors.. Soooo pretty!!!

It's still nice so far. But like you said I think thats all about to change.

Hugs, Linda
Torunn said…
Lovely pictures of the "drop" the flower. Beautiful.
Unknown said…
It is nice to see such lovely flowers when everything here is covered with snow.
Catherine said…
I love their bright colours, so nice!
Judy S. said…
Very pretty! I wonder whether they'd grow here? You'll be able to have your own fuchsia here. There's also a hardy type that comes up every year. Didn't you just recently celebrate a b'day? If so, belated wishes!
Lisa Gordon said…
These are beautiful Becca.
Love the fuchsia. Such a gorgeous color!
Rosie Grey said…
These photos are so beautiful, Becca! Gorgeous colours!
Zara H. said…
Fuchsia is a very beautiful flower of so many varieties! Wonderfully photographed! Never heard of Mandevilla yet, a lovely flower!

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