Zetti Style

Hi friends, 
I've had a fun and eventful week! 
In case you didn't read my last post, I have a new kitten, her name is Lucy.
Lucy seems to be settling in to her new home just fine now, and brother and sister are a little less freaked out.

This week for Paint Party Friday I thought I'd share my take on 
Zetti Style

I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with artist 

I have always been fascinated with her art and wanted to give it a shot.
This was really fun for me except when it came to the journaling.
I enjoy Teesha's journal pages with the tiny journaling, but since I'm not used to writing small anyway, next time I think I will try the larger lettering.

As you can see on the next page, I have another background already started for another Zetti style page.
I'm not sure when I will get to that.  I am taking a new workshop with Sharon Tomlinson called
Faces in Collage
It starts tomorrow, so I can't wait to get started learning more from Sharon.
I hope to have something I've learned from her workshop to show next week.
Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments about my Art Leaves last week.



Unknown said…
I LOVE it.. I am going to give it a try my friend.. But I don't think it will compare to this. I really does look amazing.. I Love her striped legs..

Hugs, Linda
I just adore the Zetti Style and you've really captured it wonderfully! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #10 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33
Sunshineshelle said…
I have learnt something new today, not only do you have a new kitty but I had not heard of the Zetti style, and I love the results here, fantastic
Tracey FK said…
Thanks for including closeups... especially of the eyes which were great... have to look into this Zetti thingy... thanks for sharing that with us xx
You are always trying something new and fun. Looks great! I love all the art journaling out there. Glad to hear Lucy is settling in and being a bit more accepted by the others. Hope your day is great. Tammy
Anonymous said…
Okay Becca, what haven't you tried? I can't keep up with you!!! xox Corrine
Congrats on your new member Lucy. :) I love zetti style, too but don't like collaging that much so I just admire other people's stuff. :) Great work!
Netty said…
Loving your Zetti style painting, am a great fan of Teesha Moore. Happy PPF, Annette x
Diane said…
Love this--it seems that this can be very theraputic once you get started.
I'm very excited for Sharon's class too--LOVE her art!
Catherine said…
I'm so glad Lucy is fitting in nicely with the rest of the family. There's going to be lots of love at your house I think Becca!

Love those green eyes!

xo Catherine
Unknown said…
I have never seen any work by this artist. It is a fresh look and a interesting style. I love her eyes and hair. I'm glad that your kitty is fitting in.
Lesley Edmonds said…
Lucy is so beautiful!!! I am sure her new brother and sister will not be able to resist her for long :)

I love your Zetti page. I've not tried that but you have it done perfectly. Great page.
Theresa Plas said…
Love it Becca! How do you like the Pan Pastels? Haven't tried those ....yet;)
carol l mckenna said…
Very creative art ~ lots of work ~ Love it! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^
Clare said…
Funky - looks like you had fun - going to try this soon.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on your new wee fur baby - glad she is settling in well. I love your take on Zetti style although have to admit I had never heard of it either. I haven't done much in the way of collage (actually none really!) but this looks great - the close up of the eyes is wonderful!
Tracy said…
Ooo... LOVING the Zetti style, Becca! I love the eyes here... I wish I had eyes like that, with glitter lashes! ;o) Have fun with you latest workshop. Oh, and hope Lucy will be back here soon too. Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Dianne said…
Your Zetti is the sexiest one I've evr seen... and I LOVE those green eyes!
Mary C. Nasser said…
Love your take on the Zettie Style! So colorful and vibrant and full of energy.

Happy Friday to you and Lucy! :)

All the best,
Mixed-Media Map Art
WOW- those eyes are absolutely, positively...fantastic! Well, the whole page is.
Janet said…
I love Teesha Moore's art and you've captured the style perfectly. Your girl is flirty and so cute. I'm the same way when it comes to the journaling....big is better for me, too.
carlarey said…
Well, you are clearly having fun with this class. Hope Sharon's is fun too. Can't wait to see what you do there.
Lorraine said…
Great zetti Becca! Enjoy your workshop with Sharon.
Denise said…
So pretty!It shouts out to me with gorgeous color.
Marji said…
This just looks like so much fun!! I love your take on it. I can see why you love Teesha's art... it is pretty amazing. Keep having fun and I can't wait to see how your class with Sharon goes.
Anonymous said…
Looks great! Enjoy the weekend:)
Rosie Grey said…
This looks gorgeous, Becca! Enjoy your class! And I look forward to seeing new art here! :-) Have a wonderful weekend!
This is one snnnaaazzzy chickster!!
She made me smile:)....Happy PPF to you and have a great weekend..
Awesome, great artwork. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.
Pamela said…
Fantastic art Becca! I have never seen anything like this! WOW!!

Lucy is so beautiful! I just got caught up on your last post. What a cutie!!!
You must be having so much fun with her!!!

Pamela xo
Joni Nickrent said…
How fun...love your work...so whimsical and full of life!
Daniele Valois said…
I love it so much, I want to go tear up magazines right now and start! LOVE. I MUST do this~
Gillian Olson said…
Love the eyes. great project.
HeARTworks said…
I love Teesha's work too! have never tried it but I might one day! Your page turned out full of pizzaz! Patsy from
Carol said…
Love ! Love! Love her!! This is great :)
Melisa said…
Such a fun page! I do love zetti style. I'm taking the same class with Sharon! See you there!
Unknown said…
That really looks fun, I should try to do something like that. It came out great!!!
Alisa Noble said…
I really like Teesha's work... it's so different from my own journaling.

Thank you so much,Becca for stopping by my blog!
Jillayne said…
Congratulations on your new baby - she's adorable!
I love this painting. The colours are marvelous and you have done an amazing job with it. I'm not familiar with the style so am heading off to investigate! Have fun with your new course too - I love coming to see what you're up to, and where you're going next. Fun, fun, fun!
Lisa Graham said…
Great work Becca! I have never heard of that artist before. I love the way you did the eyes...the green and the little white dots all around. Oh and the shoes! Love the shoes!

Hope you enjoy your class. Look forward to seeing what you learn.
Becca, I just gotta start with that last post and I'm in LOVE. How precious is she!!! What a little charmer of an addition but I bet brother and sister's got some getting used to! I'm so thrilled you've made space in your heart and home for another little kitty. I so wish some of mine could be adopted (they each deserve that special focus and it's a bit tricky with 25 of them) but there's no chance at all in this part of the world of that happening. I hope she settles in just beautifully.
And how fun is your journalling!?!
I never got around to ordering some of all the cool materials for journalling (re. Christy Tomlinson's class) but I've got to get around to it at some point. I can't wait to see more of your stuff from your new class - enjoy and have lots of fun!
I think that style of journaling looks like so much fun and just so cool. Great page! I am so glad that you are able to take Sharon's class...looking forward to seeing some of your "homework". :)
Unknown said…
You've got some seriously beautiful eyes going here. Love, love them. I feel as though I'm looking into her depths.
Georgianna said…
You've done a fantastic job of creating in Zetti style, Becca! I'm always so impressed with the different projects you master – very inspiring! xo

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