Autumn Surprise
Hi Friends!
You might remember my POST about the beautiful Dogwood Tree in
our garden.
Well, to my delight September has decorated this Dogwood with
lovely cherry like berries!
After doing a bit of research I discovered the name of the Dogwood is
or sometimes referred to as "Japanese Dogwood."
It seems the berries are edible, however I haven't tried one yet...
I might just leave it up to the birds and squirrels to enjoy.
This year, I decided to decorate with some of the
beautiful grasses that are at the nurseries.
Just a couple of plants in containers on the deck that can be seen
from inside, and when the sun shines on them they
give off that breezy, autumn feeling.
So, the dogwood berries were new this year, and so was this
sunflower in the garden!
Ok, I know it's a big birthday for me this year, but I really don't
remember planting this.
I think the birds had something to do with it
by dropping their seeds.
I would have picked a sunnier location, but it was
a nice surprise indeed!
So using some of my collection of pressed leaves from last years
garden, I created this mixed-media autumn collage on canvas.
I'm thinking of adding some beeswax.
This season always seems to heighten that creative sprit within me.
What have you been creating lately, or have you
discovered any Autumn Surprises in your garden this year?
lovely grasses and volunteer sunflower! those weird berries are cool, too.
I've been crocheting a bunch lately : )
Beautifully done.
Hope you're having a lovely week!
Kate :}
Have a wonderful weekend!
Je suis passée chez vous via Pinterest, j'ai découvert votre univers et puisque je trouve magnifiques vos créations, j'ai eu envie de vous l'écrire. Je suis désolée, mon anglais est plus qu'approximatif !
Je vous souhaite "bonne continuation" dans vos créations et je peux vous dire encore, que c'est un réel plaisir pour les yeux. Merci.