Living Where Hydrangeas Grow

Right in my own backyard! 

I hope you'll understand my excitement when I post about this blue hydrangea in my garden.

When we rented this house back in May I had no idea that this beauty was growing in the garden. 

One day, while unpacking moving boxes I recognized the leaves on this scrawny, hydrangea on the back side of the house.
Just like a lot of the landscape here,  it was in need of a little TLC.

I was so excited to discover this hydrangea was going to be blue! 

Deep blues and purples...

I've loved the hydrangea for a long time, but it was always the blue ones that captured my heart the most.

Isn't it funny how something as simple as a flower can mean something to you? 

Maybe you already know this from reading my blog.  But, this journey to Seattle to begin a new life has been something we've looked forward to for a long time now. 

I remember this simple post from November 2010...unable to say too much at the time, but longing for the day when we would be able to move and 

Live Where Hydrangeas Grow.

 I feel blessed.

Thank you for being here, 



TexWisGirl said…
this just makes my heart sing for you. :) i am all warm and fuzzy, knowing your dream has come to fruition. :)
I am totally happy for you too! Yours is the second blog I've read this week featuring hydrangeas. This must be the year for them to be spectacular because yours certainly are! I had gorgeous hyd. in Virginia and tried in Florida...and now again in Colombia to grow them...but alas...they really want that cold weather spell. I think it depends on the soil as to what color the blooms are. Mine changed from year to year.
Your dreams and aspirations are what brought you to this beautiful hydrangea. I love the blues too. Had one outside my backdoor in Georgia. Enjoy! And have a great week. Tammy
So happy for you, Becca! Dream it and it will be. xo
Steph said…
These hydrangeas are lovely.. ...I love them and I wish I could have a whole garden filled with hydrangeas.....
have a good week!!
Lisa Gordon said…
I truly am so happy for you Becca, and your hydrangea is absolutely gorgeous. Here in NY, we cannot leave ours outside for the winter, and each year I try to winter them over inside, without success, that is until this year. One of them is in bloom, and guess what??? It's blue. My very favorite!
Dianne said…
They are so lovely... I wanted them for my wedding, but couldn't find them here in September, so I got delphiniums instead...
Catherine said…
Mmmmmm....wouldn't you just love to dive into those luscious blues? Heaven!

Happy Tuesday Becca!
xo Catherine
Hydrangeas are such beautiful flowers and yours, especially beautiful!
Oh this post made me smile, happy things have come to fruition for you and you are where you want to be. Your hydrangea is beautiful...I will have to enjoy yours...we have no blooms at all this year!
Unknown said…
So happy your dream came true Blue Hydrangeas and all. I am so happy for you my friend.

andrea creates said…
how pretty~i love hydrangeas too, but i've never been lucky with growing them...
that's so nice that you've gotten to make a dream a reality :)
Dottie said…
Beautiful! I love hydrangeas as well! They are so happy in the mountains of North Georgia. I have several varieties, but the blue is my favorite. I keep a big basket of dried ones in my diningroom year round so I can always have hydrangeas. They also press beautifully!! Enjoy yours!!
Hey Becca,

Thought about you when I saw this:

Would look great made up with your hemp yarn (which we can't get here).

I might have a go at making one sometime soon.

Have a great day. Tammy
Unknown said…
Blue Hydrangeas with a hint of purple are my favorite. I love your pictures and am glad that you are loving your new home. My hydrangeas are all dead this summer because we are in a severe drought and it has been terribly hot. When our weather gets back to normal I can try again.
Unknown said…
The purest blue! I love them too! They are also VERY easy to dry. At the end of the season the blooms get a thick leathery texture and you know they are good for drying. Just pick them and put them in a vase without water and they gradually dry out. You just have to use the end of seaon blooms though.
Gillian Olson said…
Beautiful blooms, dreamy colours, and the blue purple ones are my favorite too.
Kelly Warren said…
how lovely! what a special surprise that was just laying in wait for you! beautiful shots.
Tracy said…
Sooo VERY HAPPY for you that so many of your dreams are coming true, Becca! Your blue hydrangea is beautiful...these images are dazzling! Funnily enough we planted a blue/purple hydrangea this week... can't wait for the blooms! :o) Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))
RURAL said…
I totally understand Becca, they are so beautiful, and when you finally get to live in a land where they do so's a fulfilled dream.

One of my regrets was leaving the hydrangeas behind when we moved up here, because of the hot weather, I had heard they didn't grow here. Well they do, and now I have 3 of them, that's a good start for now. Two different pinks, and a lime green, life is good.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
ZielonaMila said…
Beautiful flowers, fantastic colours. I am greeting
Caterina Giglio said…
you are blessed! so glad you are still enjoying and loving your environment... : )
GardenOfDaisies said…
Your hydrangeas are so beautiful! I love the blue ones best of all, as that is what my Grandmother had growing in her yard in OR.
Justine said…
these are lovely but are they not coloured due to the soil in the states? here you have pink or blue depending on your soil alkaline levels. I planted pure white hydrangeas the other day and already they are starting to turn pink around the edges!! these are beautiful shots.
What a dream of blues and orchids...marvelous shots!!!
Jillayne said…
So glad for you that you finally got one. I love hydrangeas too and the first one I got was a white one, because they were my mother-in-law's favourite. The one I got last year for myself is of the pinky/green flower types and it is just now in bloom - I love it!
Congratulations on your beautiful flowers Becca.

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