Learning a New Language

As things have slowly started to find their place in our new home, I'm beginning to long for that creative connection again.

Crochet is what's fascinating me at the moment. 

With so many yarn stores here in the Seattle area, going into one, without sounding too cliche',  is like being a kid in a candy store! 

Hand dyed yarns, linen and hemp are always what grabs my attention first. 

Then, it's the books and sites with patterns galore!

I get impatient and want to crochet the beautiful lacy shawl, or intricate afghan right away.

Then, I have to take a step back and remember that I am STILL teaching myself this craft and learning to do the basics must come first.

So, I look for the words..."Beginner's Guide" and "Easy." 

Hum, not always so! 

It's about Learning a New Language isn't it? 
I've used the words "YO" and "Cluster" before, but never in this context. :-)

This particular book has a pattern for a bookmark...lovely.  So I decided to give it a go, and yes, I am using the size 10 crochet thread and small steel crochet hook.  I simply love that look and want to learn to thread crochet.

Here's my bookmark...
Hum, it's a little more like a U-Shape, I think I forgot a side.
Looks like another piece I'll just have to use for an embellishment on a collage.

Then, I hear dishcloths are supposed to be easy, so I get a little book on dishcloths.
Of course I pick out the one that is the most involved, but I think it turned out OK and I loved the colors in this yarn.

Now, I'm back to the thread crochet, only this time I'm using a size 3 instead of a size 10 yarn,  so it's a little easier to follow for the first time.  This is supposed to be a pattern for pretty, lacy looking coasters yet with the bigger yarn it's a little bulkier so I think I'm going to use the new term my friend Judy taught me and call it a "mug matt." :-) 

And finally, I'd like to send out a big thank you to 
Cynthia at Galerie 46 for sending me a lovely "housewarming package" of home decorating and garden magazines from Germany and some yummy German Chocolate!  

Also, thank you to my friend Becky Shander for sending me this lovely nature inspired necklace she made as a welcome to my new, "happy raindrops" home.
  Thank you Becky! 

So, there you have it...
I've been a little stuck on crochet and learning the new language lately and that's been the extent of my creating. 

I look forward to stopping by to see what kind of creating each of you are up to! 

For those that are celebrating, have a safe and happy Independence Day! 



TexWisGirl said…
my sis always loved to crochet. :)

i like your 'yarn bowl' feed. :)
andrea creates said…
these are beautiful! i love to crochet.the skinnier yarns/threads are a bit harder for me to work with but i love the lacy look :)
Your crocheting looks wonderful! I have crocheted things from my Great Grandmother. Love how you photographed the stamps from the envelope:) ,,,,is there any chocolate left:) nice bracelet too...
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous photos, lovely crochet.....xox
Dianne said…
I love your mug mat.... The color is divine. I never could get the tension right... My grandmother tatted... Oh how I would loved to have learned from her!
Marji said…
Being a beginner takes such patience. You are doing brilliantly. Good news.. summer starts on July 5th round here in case no one has mentioned that :)
Anonymous said…
That's a beautiful necklace... you are sooo lucky!
Unknown said…
you'll get the hang of it in no time :)
I'll bet there's a knitting group near you - have been on Ravelry.com? It's a great place to find groups local to you
Judy S. said…
Great chatting with you, Becca. The green mug mat looks PERFECT! And you're right both crochet and knitting patterns are like another language. (BTW, I tend to steer clear of patterns marked "easy," as invariably they cause me no end of grief and then I feel terrible because it was supposed to be easy. lol)
Gillian Olson said…
I know what you mean, crochet captures me too, love your mug matt and your book mark looks good too. Crochet also has a whole language of its own.
RURAL said…
Crochet for now will only remain a elusive hope...love your work, and I love the little shots of your life that you share with us.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Rosie Grey said…
I learnt how to crochet at school and I must admit I've forgotten almost everything about it! It was the same with knitting wrist warmers - I had to revert to YouTube videos for a fresh-up ;-)
i love all your new crochet pieces. recently i bought a shoe box full of crochet pieces that a little old lady did when she was in her 70's. i wonder what she was going to do with them? i plan on trimming my christmas tree with them, like garland.
happy fourth! it's gonna be a hot one.
Becca! - you obviously have a natural talent with the crochet, I just love your little projects. I could go just as crazy over the yarns (bliss) but simply don't have the patience to learn it (and that book would put me way off, lol!!). I'm so pleased to read from some of your earlier posts that everything went well with your move (grand piano and cats! - what a relief!). And my, those rainy green images - it makes me miss my home country. Your appreciation for the rain and the green really shines through your images and I love that. Very contagious :-)
xo from Greece,
Lisa Graham said…
I learned when I was 13...it was an afghan, white, off white and hot pink. It was quite a sight, but it matched my room.

Your stitches are pretty Becca! Keep at it!
Tracy said…
Your crochet is so lovely, Becca... wonderful color choices too...That minty-green thread is sweet! Crochet is like learning a new language. I've not had much time to crochet for a while, so I need the refresher course for crochet soon! PRETTY treats from your friend too... those beads...yum! Happy Days :o) ((HUGS))
Unknown said…
Lots of pretties here my friend.. I don't think my eyes could see good enough to do that little work. I definitely need new glasses. I crochet on my afghan on the way out here. I have a feeling I just might finish it on this trip.. We will see.

Caterina Giglio said…
just wonderful, it is a new language and a new pattern of behaviour, and you are doing great!
Pamela said…
Lovely Becca you have so much talent.
There are lots of these stores here too. So many artists live here.
I can see you are totally loving your new state!!
I'm going home in August. I cannot wait to be home again!!! Been way too long.
Pamela xo
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca, you are amazing!
Everything you are working on here is so beautiful.
I can see why you love the thread crochet so much.
Reminds me very much of tatting, which my grandma used to do. I still have many of her things.

Sure makes me want to learn how to do this. You are truly an inspiration.
Wonderful photos of your new hobby! Hope you had a great 4th :) Wasn't it great that the sun was shining??!!
I love to crochet but have never learned to do any of the complicated patterns. You should see the book I learned to crochet with! I think I posted about it....a long time ago! If I run across it, I'll let you know. You'll have a laugh! I love what you've made so far! I would like to learn to make the crocheted stones.
Momma Bear said…
just looking around your wonderfully peaceful blog for the first time.
it occurs to me you are not that far away from crossroads mall in bellview (156th and 8th)
I have a little group of ladies who crazy quilt, but we enjoy all comers, if you would like to join in on our "stitch and bitch" we meet wednesdays from 3-6!
Flora in Bothell
YO Becca! :) I think you are doing quite well at learning this new language. My projects don't always turn out like they are supposed to and I've been crocheting for years. But you certainly have that tendency towards creative excellence so everything you do turns out beautifully. Have a lovely day! Tammy
Paula said…
You have such lovely things! My sister lives in Kirkland as well - it is such a nice area.

Your yarn bowl is very nice - a local artist sells yarn bowls in the gallery where my husband and I display our work. They are so pretty and practical as well.

Come by and visit me at Home In Douglas!

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