So Why DID the Chicken Cross the Road?

Maybe she was on her way to start the long, holiday weekend with family and friends!

(This desert gal living in the city of Las Vegas doesn't get to see chickens running around all the time, so I hope you'll humor me with my chicken photos!)

For those of you celebrating, have a happy Labor Day, and a happy weekend to all!

Be back soon,



TexWisGirl said…
they are cute. i enjoyed these! :)
andrea creates said…
oh what a fun photo :)
have a great weekend!
We had chickens when I was a girl. They're fun. I hope you have a great week-end! :)
How cute! Enjoy your weekend! We just got home from the Apple Festival so I need to get pics on the computer! ♥
Anonymous said…
My back yard ducks would approve. Enjoy your holiday Becca. Can't beat those fresh eggs. xox Corrine
Anonymous said…
Nice weekend dear!

Judy S. said…
Cute photos, Becca. Have a great weekend! (Did you have any luck with the buckle?)
I love the chicken photos!.. and enjoyed my first visit to your blog. I am glad you found my blog, as now I have found yours! I'll be back!
Paula said…
Delightful Becca and I love your musings to go with it :)
Diane said…
Now that's something you don't see everday :)
Hope you have a great holiday.
Mary C. Nasser said…
Great photos!
Hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend!!

I want to thank you, too, for joining my art blog hop and posting the button on your site.

I am your newest blog follower! :)

Wishing you all the best,
Georgianna said…
Happy weekend to you, too, Becca! – g
Rosie Grey said…
These are really gorgeous, Becca!
Tracy said…
Oh, I love this visit with the chickens, Becca! Hope you're having a great long weekend. :o) And thanks so much for your thoughts on colors on my art post. Like you, I'm a cool colors girl--blues, aqua, purple, and pink...soft colors, pastels. This creative chakra project has me really learning to appreciate all colors and their vibrations. I find myself using orange now and loving it... LOL! Orange didn't use to be "my color" ;o) It's amazing what happens when we tune into our energy! But yes, posts on cool colors coming up! Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lisa Gordon said…
I LOVE your chicken photos Becca!
Hope you are enjoying the long weekend!
Catherine said…
Haha ~ these little chickens are looking for an adventure I think!

Hope you are having a super Labour Day Becca ~ it's Labour Day in Canada too! :)
xo Catherine
Unknown said…
How funny... Such great shots.. My sister was raising chickens in here back yard.. Here in Vegas.. and now in Pahrump.. She never has to buy eggs. I tried to get some shot of them.. But they really didn't turn out..

Hugs, Linda
Katy Noelle said…
This is so funny.

We have 25 red Rhode Island Reds and 36 black sex-link hens. (Why did someone name them that???=( )

However, we ask ourselves this very question, often. Where is that silly chicken running off to? they're a hoot!=]
I really like the "group" shot of the chickens....I love to paint chickens:)

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