Heavenly Blue

It's Friday and I'm in the mood for a party, 

Paint Party Friday that is!

I'm still having fun learning to draw and paint.

 Since I take so many photographs I thought I would pick one and try to paint it.
This is a photo I took quite a while ago when I was able to grow these 
Heavenly Blue Morning Glories from seeds in this desert soil!  
I have tried since to grow these, and haven't had any luck.  
So, if you can't grow them, paint them! 

I started out sketching the basic shapes of the morning glories, then I started painting, trying to shade and add dimension as I went.

So, as you can see I'm not really finished with this yet.  I still want to add more detail.
It's still pretty hot where I live, so I am also enjoying this cool color palette.

These Neocolor II water color crayons are a lot of fun, have you tried watercolor crayons yet?

I also enjoy the watercolor pencils too for detail. 

I do hope you'll join us at the party.
Come on over to meet some of the other Paint Party Friday goers! 



TexWisGirl said…
very bright and happy!
Joni Nickrent said…
Morning GLORIOUS...beautiful blue! POP ART MINIS
andrea creates said…
wow, that's very pretty!
lilylovekin said…
Love the cool shades of blue-I'm in Arizona at present and it is HOT!
Lisa Graham said…
That's pretty Becca. I really like your art photos too...so clear and colorful and warm all at the same time.
Anonymous said…
Your morning glory's are beautiful, both in your painting and photograph! I love morning glorys! Your photographs of your art supplies are fabulous as well! Happy PPF! :-)
Netty said…
oh wow beautiful flowers with such gorgeous colourings. Happy PPF, x
Christine said…
you've really captured that wonderful blue! Beautiful work!
Anonymous said…
Amazing colors and work, I lake it!

Have a great weekend, kisses:)
Anonymous said…
Ooh I am liking those bright blue fleurs Becca, looks like alot of fun with the neocolor crayons. I will have to try them. xox Corrine
Unknown said…
Your Morning glories look wonderful my friend.. Looks like your enjoying your Paint party.

Hugs, Linda
Mary C. Nasser said…
This is gorgeous and heavenly!
Watercolor crayons are fun!!

Happy PPF!!
Mary C. Nasser Art Blog
Gillian Olson said…
Good painting, love the colours.
Judy S. said…
I love blue morning glories just not the white wild ones. Have a fun weekend!
Unknown said…
You have painted some beautiful flowers. I too love watercolor crayons and colored pencils. I also love morning glories. It is getting to cold for flowers here, just the fall flowers are still going. Have a great weekend.
carol l mckenna said…
Beautiful flowers! Well done and love the color! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) and HPPF ^_^
Becky Shander said…
The artwork is gorgeous and so is your photography.
Ayala Art said…
Beautiful sharp colors! I like it very much♥
pretty morning glories! i paint from my photos too. happy almost october to you.
HeARTworks said…
Hi Becca, I use caran d'ache watercolor crayons. haven't explored it much yet but I like the effect of not wetting it all so there's some different rough texture, if you know what I mean. Like your experiment with your bright blue Morning Glories! I love painting flowers but I usually am not able to make it realistic! Patsy from
Catherine said…
Ooooo.... Water crayons.... Must get some! Oh the colors just make my heart skip a beat. Lovely painting Becca!

Happy October!

xo Catherine
carlarey said…
Morning glories are my favorite flower. I just love the combination of that shade of blue against the bright green leaves. Yours are beautiful.
RURAL said…
You have the blue, spot on. Way to go. It's such a glorious color.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
You have certainly done a beautiful job of translating those morning glories to paper. Sure wish I could paint like that. I used to draw and doodle but sure doesn't come as easy as it used to. I'm always in awe of folks who can sketch their surroundings. Such a lovely gift to be able to create like that. Hope your day is great. Tammy
Unknown said…
can i tell you how much i LOVE the name of your blog?


i love love watercolor crayons, but i don't have neocolors.

now i'm going to stalk dickblick.com

Kristin Dudish said…
I love that motto: "If you can't grow 'em, paint 'em!"... that is definitely one I live by! ha!

The blue is amazing and I love watercolor crayons too :)

Absolutely Gorgeous! I'm a bit behind on my PPF rounds but I'm still getting everywhere! Happy PPF!
Torunn said…
You are so good in form and color. Great.
Geckostone said…
Wow you are amazing! Your photos are as beautiful as your painting! Excellent work! Deb
You are so talented, your morning glory's are amazing, both in your painting and photograph!
I love Neocolors too, I use them over many years and I'll miss them never more.
Hugs Anja
Tracy said…
WOW that blue is stunning, Becca... I just love this painting! It has almost psychedelic quality--it's so big & bold in feeling. Those watercolor crayons are wonderful. They're on my holiday wish list. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
soraya nulliah said…
Dear Becca-thank you so much for stopping by my blog (and following too!) . I love your images over here...all the lusciosu blues and those watercolor crayons...juicy and yummy. Makes me want to paint:) -Soraya
Juliette Crane said…
love your blog and colorful artwork! i can't wait to try out those watercolor pencils...heading to the art store today, so perfect timing! thank you for the inspiration!

xo, juliette
Melissa said…
oh cool! you did that with watercolour crayons? I never know what to do with mine :/ though they aren't as nice as neocolour lol.
Melisa said…
I love morning glories! I painted some last week, as well. These blue ones of yours are lovely!
peggy aplSEEDS said…
looking good! your post reminded me that i have been looking for these watercolor pastels over here but haven't found them yet.
Lorraine said…
The colour jumps up off the page.

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