

A decade of healing...



Anonymous said…
I'll always remember my fear from that day.
Anonymous said…
Great shot Bcca!
lilylovekin said…
What a fresh thought about this past decade, healing.
Unknown said…
I know exactly were I was when I first heard the new of the horrific event..
I will never forget!!!
Marilyn said…
Beautiful remembrance.
Kelly Warren said…
beautiful photo. great choice for today. growth.
A lovely take on this date. Are we really finally on the road to healing?
Tracy said…
A lovely moment for reflection, this image, Becca. It seems unbelievable that it's 10 years on already... Sometimes it's like it just happened, the feelings are still so raw... And after some time, it's still all so unfathomable. So much has not been the same since. Love is the greatest healer though...With love burning bright, it soothes the rawness, soothes the heart & mind, soothes the world... ((HUGS)) P.S. LOVE all that's happening in you sketchbook from your previous post--wonderful colors, and your faces are taking such beautiful shapes! :o)

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