A Play on Words

I've been noticing that a lot of you have chosen a word for 2011.  I really like the idea, but for some reason I couldn't come up with a word for me.  
On a whole different whim, I felt like doing some decoupage this weekend, and decided to cover a couple of ceramic type spheres I purchased from Pier 1 Imports a long time ago. 
I decided to use an old book I got at the used book store because I liked the color of the old pages. 

After shredding some pages, and dropped the pile on my work table, some of the words popped out at me.  It ended up not only being a relaxing project while listening to music, it was fun to see words that would stand out in the pile.  With my camera at my side I thought I'd show you a few that I liked. 

Something else that has grabbed my attention lately is wool felting.
I don't really know much about it, but I've been inspired by some things I have seen on other blogs.
If you haven't visited her yet, Becky Shander
has some of the most inspiring ideas.  Most of her art is created using scraps and repurposing things, which is something I really want to try and do more of this year.  I find that I collect too much stuff, and I need to start using it, instead of buying more. 
Becky is also having a lovely giveaway and included are a couple of necklaces she made with some wool felted hearts. 
Here are a couple hearts I tried to make with a 3D template and wool fibers.  I still need to learn more about it,  but I am enjoying the process!

Shatzie seemed to like them, what do you think?  
Have you ever tried wool felting? 
I never thought I'd be interested in it, but I'm thinking small things for appliques and maybe embellishments on fabric collages.

I hope everyone has a nice week. 
It always seems like the weekends go by so quickly and I'm off to work again tomorrow. 
I must say though, that I will be enjoying my Seattle Seahawk's unexpected victory in the playoff's yesterday.  It will probably be short lived, but it has been fun while it lasts! 

See you soon, 


Simon said…
What a wonderful thing to do. How clever. I'm not a crafter but I think that felted wool looks pretty cool. good luck with it.
I like the words that jumped out to you. I have not quite decided on my word, but soon. Have a great week.
Anonymous said…
I'm rather curious about felting too.

Pamela said…
So cool Becca the paper mache! I used to do this with Sam when he was really little! It is so much fun. Do you know I had my three cats done in paper mache by an artist? Crazy eh? I am so glad i did since I just have the one kitty left.

I adore wool felting!! There is a boutique store here in town that only sells artisans crafts. One artist does the most beautiful wool felting...hats, pins and purses to die for!!! I would love a purse but they are so costly! Wool felting is so big here.

Great game yesterday!
Pamela xo
Shatzie is so sweet! I love the spheres you did~ very original and creative! I've never done wool felting before...looking forward to seeing what you do!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful work an pictures, bravo!!!
Catherine said…
What a terrific word craft project you made Becca! Very fun. I have seen a lot of the wool felting lately those little hards look so cute. And of course, Shatzie giving them a little sniffy sniff is adorable.

Hope you have a wonderful week too Becca!
xo Catherine
Unknown said…
Very cool my friend.. I love them.. Your felt hearts look like they were fun to make also.. So glad you had a nice weekend.

Hugs, Linda
I'm loving those little hearts!
andrea creates said…
very cool 'word ball' :) you could probably roll it in your hands and make up a story-or at least a few good sentences ;)
i love felted wool.i have hand dyed and made my own once-i just love how it looks...off to check the link you posted....
The word ball turned out wonderfully. What a great way to slow down and get a new perspective. Re wool felt. Caution it can become addictive.
Halle said…
I also noticed all the people picking a "word" for the year. That's way to vague for me. Love the sphere! And the photos!
Numinosity said…
I love the word sphere. I had done some poetry once cutting up phrases from college chapbooks. It's fun juxtaposing the words. A piece of genius the way you photographed the poignant ones.
Fun felt pieces too! You could all one "heartfelt"

xoxo Kim
Justine said…
I keep saying the same thing everytime I visit you but wow you are talented! I love what you have done here, so inspired and love the shots of the words, I am so impressed!
Rosie Grey said…
It's so fantastic how creative you are! Beautiful photos to share the process - I absolutely love them! And Shatzie makes me smile again :-)
Have a wonderful week!
lilylovekin said…
I find joy in covering objects with old book pages also, it is rather meditative. Your spheres are lovely and the words are great. My husband was quite pleased with the game also.
Kelly Warren said…
i'm not one for selecting a word for the year. nothing ever seems to jump out at me! i love your word sphere...and i can only imagine how much patience and time that took with those little strips! the photos of the words are beautiful. great job on your felted hearts! i've never tried it.
Olga said…
You have a very creative blog with excellent photos. Thank you for sharing!
Alina said…
I love to wool felt but have not done so in a while. Great projects and great photos! XO
Wow Becca I love your shredded words what a brilliant idea, the photos look brilliant too, I am inspired!

Sarah x
Anonymous said…
Becca, love the "word ball". Cool to fill a bowl with them!
Paula said…
So very lovely Becca and obviously therapeutic!
Anonymous said…
Oh dear Becca! I have been following your blog since close to your beginning and I have to say that I so enjoy stopping by for inspiration! You are a true artistic spirit!!
Lorraine said…
hello becca love those felted buttons and the sphere is delightful
Jillayne said…
The word ball is wonderful; our son got us a shredder for Christmas - there was a long pause after I said it would great for a craft projects! Your ball would be fun to do - I love it!
I just posted the other day about a different heart project by Becky - small world huh? I love the felted hearts though. Felting is a beautiful craft and like you, I have done a little... They're beautiful too Becca and now I am inspired all over again. Thank you!
VS said…
Hi Becca,
I too have seen many blogs finding a word for 2011...I guess unknowingly I did too, BRAVE is my Word.
I LOVE your Word Ball, it's fabulous & looks like it took alot of patience & time. Now when you want to have a new idea or direction for the day or the week...you can just spin the ball, point your finger & see where it lands. Like when we were kids & would spin a globe, close our eyes & point...that's where we would live or travel too when we grew up. I LOVE that idea & now I think I need to make my very own INSPIRATION BALL!!!!
OK, now I'm just rolling on the ball idea. You could make a destination ball, a food ball, color ball, put them all in a bowl & when you need direction take one out & spin...
Who would have known serendipity could be found in a beautiful papered ball...I LOVE IT!!!!!
{I know I'm weird, but that's why I'm so amusing, LOL}
Big Hugs,
Carla said…
It is true the weekends go by quickly. Your photography is beautiful and I love the way you have photographed the ball and the words.. Gorgeous. Carla
Caterina Giglio said…
hey girly, love your word balls... what did you use as a base? xx's
I would love to try to make things with the wool felting, too! Your little hearts are precious with a sweet kitty! ♥
Terry said…
What a lovely play on words! How long did that take you? Very cool!
Unknown said…
I just love what you have created here. So personalized and creative!
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca -
I love the idea of the ball, and was able to find some of my own words while looking at the gorgeous photographs you took!

Felting is a lot of fun, and some of the items can be so beautiful. My first attempt was a sweater, and after it was felted, it did not fit my toy poodle!! The second attempt was fine though :-)

Have fun with it, and I look forward to seeing what you make!
Susan Tuttle said…
i am adoring your projects! -- especially the vintage text ornament. lovely!
beatrice De said…
The ball ! What a good idea !
I had use titles of news papers, long ago, in optical windows * Elargissez votre champ de vision*. that mean as well your mind as your eyes's wew. *enlarge your vision *..
The window was matching with a fair stall.

I had to collect towsen of news papers. Whent to Geneva' ambassys, can you imagine the eyes of people, when your ask for old papers ? now, when I realise it will surprise people to they understanding, I bring a drawing or a picture if it is something i want to do again !
Had to look in trains, in planes. In Geneva the planes 'cleaners had kept many papers for me.
Sometime, I have ideas who does'nt cost match in monney but lot of energy.

Un petit coucou de Lausanne en Suisse.

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