Around the Garden

Hello my friends, I hope your week has been going well.
We have been blessed with very mild and warm daytime temperatures so I have been enjoying some time in my little garden.

I think these little birds seem to be enjoying the sunshine too, don't you? 

It's so wonderful to see new growth already! 

This is where I sometimes sit and read blogs or just enjoy listening to the birds and my fountain. 

The ivy is happiest in this weather too.  I really have to protect this plant from the triple digit heat & sun in the summertime.  It's little green leaves will turn brown and crispy from the heat.  So far though, it's been around each year, so it makes it through the summers somehow!  I'm not sure I'll even make it through another hot summer here! :-) 

The roses are happy. 

It's still a little cold to sit outside at night, unless it's around a fire, but I do enjoy the lighting at night. 

This nest is in the tree across the street from my house. 
I took our ladder over and was up pretty high to get this.  I wish I could see inside of it, but maybe I'll try it again another day when I can have someone hold the ladder. :-)
I do hope the birds will come back and use this nest again soon. 

I've been enjoying some time in my craft room too, so I'll have to come back soon and show you what I've been up to.
For now, I hope you've enjoyed your visit around my garden, and for those of you in "real" winter climates be safe and stay warm my friends!



Lovely photos, Becca~ I love seeing the plant shoots, and the flower buds...
Ashley Sisk said…
These photos are gorgeous - makes me miss warm weather.
Anonymous said…
Such beautiful photos. My garden is coming to life, too. I smell Spring just around the corner.
Pamela said…
I wish we were having your weather Becca! I love your sitting area...I can see myself enjoying a glass of wine right there!
So much of the country is under snow with freezing temps and you are so lucky not to be enduring it!!
Pamela :)
Justine said…
I absolutely love your garden, would like to sit on those lovely chairs chatting away to you, love your plants and your ornaments and the fact that you are warm! how I envy you for that!, these tell a lovely story and I have really enjoyed looking at everything, thankyou, I imagine your lovely cat lying in the sun somewhere too.
Catherine said…
Oh Becca ~ I am so jealous of your beautiful weather and your pretty garden. It makes me miss all my garden trinkets that are sitting on shelves in the garden shed. sigh.....

Happy Weekend friend!
xo Catherine
ELK said…
I felt like I was right there enjoying the balmy weather .. each image a breath of fresh air ..happy weekend!!
Unknown said…
Your photo's look wonderful.. I just love those birds in the tree.. Chat with you soon!!

Hugs, Linda
Caterina Giglio said…
that is one nice thing about living in LV ... we have a few more months before the greening begins!!
Anonymous said…
I could use a bit of warm weather to be able to sit out on my front porch again.... it's too cold out there right now.

Great sounds of nature you have playing. Sort of takes me off to another place.

gina said…
I enjoyed the tour around your lovely garden. I especially like your image of the sun on the pot. This is my first visit here....your blog has such a bright and happy feel to it. :)
Rosie Grey said…
What a beautiful collection of photos! Thanks for bringing the feeling of spring to me! Have a wonderful weekend!
Beatriz said…
the nest is prepared
greetings from Barcelona
Brianne said…
You take beautiful photographs. I have been enjoying your blog for a couple of weeks now and love all your photos (I like the b/w cat in the last post). Your sitting area looks so inviting. The summer sun must warm the rosemary to a heady aroma. Thank you for such a nice visit. Peace. Brianne
Lisa Gordon said…
Sure wish we were being blessed with warm weather, but I can come here and dream! :-)
Thank you for the gorgeous photos!
Have a wonderful weekend!

lilylovekin said…
The tour was lovely, it makes me long for spring. Have a wonderful week-end.
Olga said…
Your photos are always beautiful, a visual treat all the time. How lovely to have such a beautiful garden!
Lorraine said…
what lovely photos of your youngest son has been helping plant rhubarb in our garden today..still cold here though
Jillayne said…
Oh Becca, it looks so lovely. We got more snow again - ugh! The roads today were just terrible and we're waist deep in snow yet again! We get very hot summers here (not as hot as you but high 90s for weeks on end wears on you almost as much!
I love your outdoor lights! They are so pretty and I imagine they must look so sweet at night.
Hi Becca,
I am so glad you found my blog so that I was able to find yours! :)
Not only do we both live in Las Vegas, but I grew up in Washington state! I miss it so much and hope I can live in the PNW again someday. I really enjoyed looking at all your gorgeous photography and I am now following your blog.
Alina said…
Dear Becca, this tour of your garden is "what the doctor ordered" :0) Thank you my dear friend XO

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