Feeling Relieved and Grateful

Dear Friends, 

Thank you for your comments and concerns about my "Fetzer boy." 

It's so difficult when something seems wrong with your pet 

and they can't tell you what's hurting.  

The tests he had at the vet came back and everything was normal.

We are grateful he's back to his ol' goofy self again!  


Other than that, I thought I'd give you a sneak peek at a new 

piece I'm working on. 

This pattern is called the 

Apple Blossom Placemat.

I've had it printed out for a while now, but I believe it was a 

free pattern from 

I am using my favorite lace weight linen thread, and 

I hope to use this as a center piece on my dining table. 

Happy Sunday! 



TexWisGirl said…
yay for your sweet kitty! :)
GardenOfDaisies said…
Im so glad your kitty is OK! And the apple blossom centerpiece you are crocheting is beautiful! I am in awe.
Judy S. said…
Hurrah! Fetzer is OK! Love that pattern; it looks perfect for Easter and/or spring.
SO glad Fetzer is doing better! Love the beautiful placemat...
Glad everything is ok with Fetzer. The placemat looks so delicate, it is going to be beautiful.
Catherine said…
Hooray for Fetzer feeling better! It's not easy watching our fur babies be sick!

Looks like you are up to lots of craftiness again. Wonderful!

xo Catherine
Anonymous said…
Hi Becca. What a gorgeous pattern! Glad your kitty is okay.....
RURAL said…
Hi Becca, I'm so sorry you cat isn't feeling well. They can be so good at hiding problems that it's nerve wracking trying to figure out what's wrong with them.

Speedy recovery to your fur baby.

And the crochet...sigh so beautiful.

Unknown said…
Such great news. That has to be such a big relief.. What a beautiful piece your working on. I love seeing your crochet pieces here.

Tracy said…
Sooo glad all is well with your baby fur-boy, Becca. Out pets are our family, or babies. Hope he stays well... So sweet to see him. :o) LOVE your current crochet. That linen thread is gorgeous. It looks so fine, so delicate. I can seek a table draped with such finery! Happy Spring, my friend ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
That is going to be so gorgeous when you get it done...I love it now! Glad your kitty is all better.
Crafting Queen said…
So glad he is feeling better. :)
Dianne said…
Love this pattern! Would make a real cute table runner or cloth. I'd love it in turquiose?
I'm so glad to hear that Fetzer is okay. What a handsome boy he is. Your crochet work is really very pretty! Hope you have a wonderful week. Tammy
Caterina Giglio said…
so glad to hear that your boy is doing well and your crochet work is lovely, bet it will be stunning when finished...
I'm so glad he's better...I know you are, too! Your apple blossoms are very pretty!
linda said…
So happy Fetzer is feeling his best again. You do such beautiful work Becca; you inspire me. Your photography is gorgeous and so is your crocheting. I look forward to each new post.
Jillayne said…
Fetzer looks adorable Becca, and I am so glad he is OK - what a worry that must have been. They give us great joy, but can certainly pull hard on the heartstrings at times!
Your latest project looks lovely and the thread is perfect for it. What brand is it that you use, if you don't mind telling me? Everything I can find here is too thick...
Gillian Olson said…
Glad your cat is feeling better again. That crochet is very delicate looking, just like apple blossom, I look forward to seeing the finished project.
Lorraine said…
ahhh Fetzer doesnt look happy..poor thing. Love the crochet
Lisa Gordon said…
I am glad that Fetzer is okay, Becca. it is so hard when they are sick. His coloring, except for that wonderful spot of white on his nose, is almost identical to my Miss Kitty.

I saw this crochet on FB, and it is so nice to see the "bigger picture" here. it really is so beautiful, and ou are truly talented with this.

I wish you a very Happy Easter.

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