Can you feel it?

On my early morning drive to work last week I noticed the 

trees were beginning to show signs of fall.

The autumn light and cooler days feel wonderful!  

Even though there are clouds in this photo we still haven't had a drop of rain 

in a record number of days now.

I know it is coming though, so in the meantime I have been enjoying the sunny, 70 degree 


This is a little side deck on our house where I like to do some crocheting or reading.

That window is the window to my little art room, so I like to think of this area outside as

an extension of my space, especially on nice days like this.  

Here is a pair of fingerless gloves I crocheted using my favorite NFL team's 

accent color.  Can you guess who that might be? LOL

So, this is my room, the other side of that window.  

I did a little bit of organizing and nesting in here the last couple of days.

It was almost like I wanted to get it ready and cozy for the rainy winter season. 

I also wanted to show you how I'm using vintage 

crochet and tatting pieces

and an old crocheted top (I used to wear in my skinny, younger days) 

to decorate my window and lamp.

I love the way the light looked...especially with the pink in the sky that evening.

Also, a neat reflection of my green neon cactus on the other side of the room. 

This is the window on the other side of the room. 

I remembered I had big piece of lace ( I was thinking it was a 

table cloth) that I bought at the second hand store for $2.99 to 

use in different sewing and collage projects.

When I got it out I realized it was a curtain panel...perfect! 

Well, except for the big piece I cut out of it for another project a while back. LOL!

But, as you can see, with the way I am using it, it really isn't noticeable, and 

you can't beat the price! 

I also kind of like the contrast of the vintage lacy look with the neon cactus.

The weather forecast says we're in for another week of clear, sunny days.

 Long time residents here keep telling us this is NOT the usual weather for this time of year.

In fact, some of our new friends tell us we must have brought this dry weather 

with us when we moved from Las Vegas. :-) 

Hope you are enjoying the feeling and sights of autumn where you are. 



Catherine said…
I bet you are enjoying your fall colors right now. So different from the desert. It is supposed to rain tomorrow. I am looking forward to a cozy holiday Monday! :)
xo Catherine
How wonderful it is for you to see such magnificent season changes. Here in Hawaii, we're not prevy to natures costume changes. Though I'm not complaining, i would love to see this season in person one year. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I love your little terrace and your cozy nest too.
TexWisGirl said…
i think you brought the dry sunny weather up there with you when you moved. :)
Mary Anne Komar said…
We live just north of you up in Skagit County, and at the foot of Chuckanut Drive. We've been having frost every morning now and my Virginia Creeper is ablaze with color, just that more north and it's colder! Happy Fall!
Justine said…
your pictures have such a wonderful warm glow to them, love the colours of the leaves in the first shots
Tracy said…
Sweet images of the changing season, Becca! The leaves are changing fast here. I took photos at the weekend, and will share soon. LOVE your room... it is lovely. And I like how you've used the lace for simple window treatments. LOVE the neon cactus!! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
OK my friend...those gloves rock! I love love love them!

This is a great post's so fun to see your room. You have such a great's so cozy and inviting. Will you come to Wichita and help me decorate my house? :)

Enjoy your sunshine!
RURAL said…
Such a cosy little world you have made for yourself...thanks for showing us a glimpse of it.

Love that cactus!

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
It looks so beautiful there, how you used the lace!
Kate said…
Lovely photos! I love how you caught the leaves mid-change; all the colors are so pretty!
Kate :}
Of course an ex Vegas girl has a neon, I think I need one too:) I love how you hung your doilies at the window like that. I have some from my great-grandmother...I should do that too.
Then I cruised down your blog...ohhh I think I need a houseboat...omg,,,what a life....a houseboat with doilies at the windows...ahhhh
Caterina Giglio said…
wow, a drought, imagine that... would love to have 70's here, very cold this am... your space is delightful and so very cozy... x
Gillian Olson said…
It has been a wonderful fall so far, I hope it lasts, though I know the garden needs water. I love that cactus.
Anonymous said…
Pretty colors in your trees. Love the cactus homage to LV! And you new space looks charming as ever. xox
Lorraine said…
lovely autumn colours..we are having lots of reds in the leaves this year as we have had lots of virginia creeper at the back of my garden looks glorious
Unknown said…
Everything looks so pretty. I love the way the lace sweater looks on the lamp. And your crochet gloves look wonderful. You go girly..


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