"Last Market of the Season"

Wednesday was the last day of our local farmer's market for the season.

So, with my camera and empty market bag in hand I took off 

 down our street on this extra, special day. 

The temperatures were cool and the warm sun was shining,  making the 

beautiful colors of autumn stand out in all their glory! 

I waved to my neighbor's across the street as I passed. 

This is "Gimer,"

a sweet, strawberry blonde, neighbor cat that

pokes his head out to say hello when I walked by.

I love kicking the leaves whenever I walk through them! 

What a perfect day it turned out to be for the last day of the market. 

Everyone was out.  Some, like me, were simply enjoying

the atmosphere. 

This market had a "different feel" to me. 

Maybe it was the pumpkins, 

the colorful leaves,

the "free" homemade carmel apples, 

the sweet and spicy smell of the kettle corn...

...my favorite was the cinnamon. :-)

All of these things combined made this day extra 


I'm going to miss walking to this farmer's market. 

 ...until the next "market season" begins.   :-)

Thank you for being here and 

sharing this day with me.



TexWisGirl said…
i would hate to say goodbye to all of those sights, sounds and smells, too. :)
The expression on your neighbors cats face cracks me up!
I am envious of your farmer's market. It looks wonderful!! I'm sure you'll miss it.
Caterina Giglio said…
lovely to come with you on market day... mine is too far away to walk, but I love it just the same... and will miss it too... lovely pics as always..
Anonymous said…
Marvelous walk about, what fun you have in your new neighborhood. Even without market day I bet it will still shine. xox
Silvina Soave said…
Hermosas las imágenes, me encanta la foto del gato mirando entre las barandas y las hojas de color rojizo.Un abrazo grande y feliz fin de semana!!
andrea creates said…
beautiful photos! i love markets like these :)
GardenOfDaisies said…
It looks like it was really a beautiful day at the market! Ours weather is cool, but the market is still open for a few more weeks, so I will take advantage of all the fresh local produce and eggs while it's available. Love all the colorful dahlias!! Don't you just love the bright leaves on the the burning bush? (We have a huge one next to our garage.) Your neighbor's cat is so cute. I have a soft spot in my heart for yellow cats. :-) Your Vivaldi (music) is so perfect for the season!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Judy S. said…
Nice photos, Becca. We were sad to see the Magnolia market end, too. Winter's comin'.........
This does look like a perfect fall day, Becca...and your photos are wonderful!
Jillayne said…
Kind of sad huh, but I like how you ended the post, with a look ahead to next season.
Beautiful pictures Becca - the blue sky really sets off the leaves, and it looks like it was truly a remarkable Seattle day!
Unknown said…
Looks like a beautiful day my friend. Lots of pretty photos. I smiled when I saw the photo of the Kettle Corn. I remember how much you said you liked it.

Unknown said…
Very jealous of your gorgeous marketplace. The colours are simply stunning everywhere you look!
Tracy said…
Oh, what fun! I so wish we had markets like this locally. We had to drive to some distance to such a market... which sort of eliminates the "local" bit.. ;o) Great to see some sights along your walk... and especially sweet Gimer. This is a delicious autumn buffet here, Becca--thank you! Happy Week ((HUGS))
Lisa Graham said…
This is a beautiful and wonderful walking post Becca. I was so confused at first because I had seen some of the photos on facebook, but others I did not see so I wasn't sure what was going on for a second. Haha! Oh Seattle looks so wonderful. I just have to see it some day. Your photography eye is right on!!
RURAL said…
It does feel different, and you caught it perfectly...that photo of the people relaxing, is poetic.

It's a bittersweet ending to a season.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Tammy said…
What a wonderful walk! So glad you got to enjoy the last day of the farmer's market. It looks wonderful and the weather fantastic. The heat here is starting to get on my dang nerves. :) Have a fabulous Friday. Tammy
Catherine said…
I bet you are enjoying all that color! So beautiful!
xo Catherine

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