A Sunset Ferry Ride

Hello friends.
Today we arrived in Seattle...it's time to "start" looking for a place to live. 

I wanted to share a few photos from our ferry ride from Seattle to Bainbridge Island.  It was a beautiful, clear day.

After boarding the ferry, we heard beautiful cello music resonating from the outdoor deck.
This young girl sat down and began to practice her cello.
I didn't want to disturb her, but I was so taken back by how she played.  It was as if she was the only person on board...this girl and her cello.

I wish you could have heard her.  
After rehearsing different pieces, she ended her practice session with 
Bach's  prelude Cello Suite No. 1 
I was so moved by this, it brought me to tears.

I've always wanted to play the cello.

To hear this beautiful instrument while seeing the beauty before me that I will soon call "home" 
was simply bliss!

I had an opportunity to meet a blog friend that was visiting Las Vegas last week! 
Unfortunately, I don't have that photo with me, so I will post about it when I return.  Some of you may have already seen it on her blog...if not, you'll just have to wait and see who it was!  

I hope to get by for a visit with all of you soon.
Sending good wishes, 


Unknown said…
WOW!! That must have been amazing to see here playing in such a beautiful place.. You have been on my mind my friend. Wishing you find that perfect place.. You deserve it!!

Hugs, Linda
Clare said…
Wow - your trip sounds magical, one of those unexpected delights that life gifts us with every now and again.
Justine said…
have you found somewhere? moving is always so daunting and it's so hard to find just the right place, this looks really lovely though, what a great place to practice!
What a magical ride! My neighbor's brother was visiting (when we lived in FL)and played the bagpipes on his lanai every evening and it always made me stop...and listen...and cry.
Dorthe said…
What a special experience dear Becca,-it looks so beautiful there, I hope for you, there will soon be that special place,talking to you, to be yours.
Hugs, Dorthe
I take the cello playing as a very good omen for things to come! I didn't realize it was happening so soon...have fun!...xoxox
Diane said…
What a beautiful place that you can now call home--wish I was there right now listening to the girl with her cello...
Catherine said…
Look at that beautiful scenery Becca! Oh I am thinking your 'brown' days are soon going to be over girl! How wonderful to be entertained with lovely cello music while you were riding on the ferry.

Good luck on your home search. I know you will find some place special where you will fall in love with coming home every day.

It's going to be fantastic!
xo Catherine
Anonymous said…
Wishing you much luck on the search for a house. What fun.... and I would have been hanging on her every note had I been there to hear her cello playing. :-))
I'm so excited that you're looking for your new home! Your ferry experience sounds so wonderful! I remember how shocked my husband was when he found out you drive your car right onto the ferry in Washington. He had never heard of this. :)
TexWisGirl said…
thank you for sharing this piece of magic with us! and for the actual music on the sidebar to go with it! :)
Ashley Sisk said…
How beautiful - I really love the first shot.
Anonymous said…
I can hear the excitement and anticipation in your words. So happy for you that you will be living a new dream and taking first steps into your new journey. xox Corrine
Thanks for sharing your photos and adventures. Music..always special if some live person is doing their thing. Best Wishes on finding the perfect place.
Lesley Edmonds said…
Oh I just love the cello! Thank you for playing it on your blog! A special moment in time...
Laura lok said…
Beautiful. Simply said
Judy S. said…
Great photos, Becca! It was a gorgeous day, wasn't it? Did you find Mora's?
Lisa Graham said…
Oh I just think you are going to love it there!

I took cello lessons for two years about 10 years ago. Hardest thing I ever did. Very very difficult!

Good luck home hunting!
Gillian Olson said…
Becca, what beautiful pictures and how wonderful that there was music too. I can imagine how this would make the ferry ride memorable. We don't always have sunshine up here in the Pacific Northwest, but I am glad that you arrived on such a day.
Caterina Giglio said…
I have taken that ferry a couple of time, just gorgeous up there, and I adore the cello too... hope you have fun! xo
Kelly Warren said…
wow, becca, what a gift being able to hear her music like that. my husband and i visited the northwest about 15 years ago and spent some time around seattle and the olympic peninsula. so beautiful! my favorite little town was port townsend.
How beautiful - the scenery, Seattle, and I am sure the gorgeous cello. What a very special time. Thank you for sharing it!! :)
sandra said…
I LOVE Seattle! I grew up in Edmonds, hope you can visit there, it is beautiful. My husband and I went to Whidby and Orcas Island last August and I can't wait to go back. Even tho' we live in beautiful San Diego I could move back to the Northwest in a heartbeat. Enjoy :))
Hi Becca, I saw the photos of your visit on Catherine's blog. :) How fun for the three of you. Gorgeous images of your ferry ride! We heard many musicians in the subways of Paris -- it was like being in a concert hall at times. No wonder you were moved to tears. Best wishes and happy house hunting, Tammy
Linda Vincent said…
Hi Becca...I've just enjoyed a catch-up on your blog whilst listening to some wonderful music. Thank you.
Hope all goes well with the move....
Best wishes
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh,what a magical encounter you had. The perfect example of how beauty and music can fill the heart with raw emotion.
Tracy said…
PURE MAGIC, Becca... Back often brings me to tears in bliss, too. This musical encounter is surely another door opening to your new life, how wonderful and exciting. And so is meeting a blog-friend! Meeting friend in person like that is such a sweet gift. Looking forward to hearing/seeing more of your news soon. Good luck with home-hunting! :o) Happy Days (((HUGS))
Wow! Beautiful! I happened on your blog through Heather-Rose Hill Designs, and had to comment, since you are moving to PNW :) Good luck with it! It is a wonderful place to live. There are lots of great neighborhoods--so you might have a hard time choosing! :) Btw, I enjoyed your photos of Pike Place Market.
Sounds like a perfect day, Becca...your photos transport me there! Looking forward to hearing about your blogger meetup!
lilylovekin said…
Your dreams are coming true. I could not get through on your email page so here is my email address. Haymakeb@yahoo.com I look forward to hearing from you. Lorrie
Unknown said…
the skies have been so gorgeous this week! I am glad your first days on your new home soil were so beautiful! best wishes with the house hunt!
Marji said…
Good luck with house hunting. And don't mind the snow today...
Pamela said…
Hi Becca! I am back here again I switched to google chrome today and my problems have gone away!!
I love love this piece and had to come back for a listen.
I also had to tell you I had the most crazy dream last night. I dream't I ran into you at Walmart lol ! OMG of all the dumb places!
Hope you are having a wonderful time in Seattle!!
Pamela xo
RURAL said…
Becca, there are moments, and experiences that happen to us as they become memories. And recalling those memories move us to strong emotions, and they are meant to do that.

The girl playing the cello, was in my mind one of those moments that just say, you are in the right place. You are meant to be right where you are. Consider it a Seattle welcome.

There were things that have happened to us on our journey up country that just reinforced my believing "some things are meant to be." It's good that we are both finding our place in this world.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Rosie Grey said…
What a fantastic series, Becca! And how amazing to be accompanied with such wonderful music!
Nancy Eaton said…
I noticed that a lot of commentors used the word "Magical" - and that's exactly what came to my mind! Good luck on your house-hunting! Looks like a beautiful place to live!
Brianne said…
How wonderful, Becca. I hope you carry this day in your heart forever; Seattle and her surrounding lands and waterways are connected with your soul. The cellist was your angel muse. With all your senses engaged, this moment is an eternal moement of memory. Peace. Brianne
Lorraine said…
love looking at your amazing photos as I can imagine I am on the journey too
Deepa Gopal said…
Amazing pics of an amazing place... Best Wishes in all your endeavours...loved the aerial pic below.
Following you:)
Lisa Gordon said…
I wish you the very best on your search for a house Becca.
Absolutely love the first photograph here. What a view!
Georgianna said…
HI Becca! Very beautiful photos! You caught the sun on Rainier perfectly and with the ferry – a classic Seattle image.

I'm so glad you had some sunshine before our crazy weather hit.

Looking forward to the next installment of the move story!


– g

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