Dear Friends

Just dropping in for a quick hello and to let you know that I'm back from what seemed like a rather long week in Seattle.

I took this first photo from our hotel room the first night of our visit.
Pretty amazing to see sun, rain and snow all within one week! 

My apologies to those of you that are tired of the winter weather and don't want to see snow, but
since I never grew up around snow,  to experience it while we were in Seattle was kind of neat for me.
OK, now I'm in the Christmas spirit! LOL

Remember I told you in my last post about getting to meet a blogger friend?
Well, here's the photo!  I'm a little late getting this posted, but couldn't wait to tell you how excited I was getting to meet Catherine of
Catherine was visiting Las Vegas with her family recently so my friend Linda and I had a fun morning of coffee and chatting with Catherine.  She's such a fun person,  just like I imagined her to be!  
I think if Catherine lived in Vegas, the three of us could find lots of trouble to get into! 

Then, if meeting one blogger friend wasn't exciting enough, I got to meet another one during my recent visit to Seattle! Wow! 
Judy of
and I have been following each other for a while now.  She lives in the beautiful city of Bellevue, Washington not far from where I will be moving to in the spring!  
Judy and her husband joined us for lunch one day and gave my husband and me some great tips for places to eat and things to do during our visit.
I have to say that moving to a new city is a little daunting for me, but now knowing I already have a friend there makes me feel more at ease.  Besides that, I already have my first knitting lesson lined up with Judy when I settle in! :-) 

So, one more photo of the snow OK? 

(Texture by Kim Klassen)

I feel like I've been away for so long this time.  
I'm looking forward to getting back in to my craft studio and doing something creative! 
Oh yea, and more packing! :-) 

See you soon, 



Kelly Warren said…
Beautiful photos, Becca! I've lived my entire life in Florida so I haven't seen much snow either. And how fun to meet blogging buddies!
Susan said…
Beautiful! I love the snow and the sun shots, and what fun to meet not one, but two blogging buddies!
TexWisGirl said…
i'm glad you're excited about the snow and weather changes that will become part of your life soon! and even more glad that you've already got a friend in your new town! :)
Anonymous said…
I'll take all the snow photos you can toss at me. We have not had a drop this winter... VERY unusual for our area. Cold, but no snow.
Great Photos and sounds like great fun. Happy you enjoyed it. I am fortunate to live with 4 seasons. We have missed all the snow this year.
And we are all enjoying the peace we have. Snow is beautiful but a lot of work and travel plans are usually on hold. Tonight temps are a minus something and snow will be here by Friday it sounds like.
So maybe I can be happy and content at being home.
Have a great week glad you had safe travels.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your visit this evening, Becca... I'm glad you had a chance to come by for a look at my blog. I try to mix up my posts, some city, some rural, whatever strikes me at the moment! All My Best, Madge
Tracy said…
Such fun to see you meeting your friend, Beeca... what a great time! And though I live in the land of the far north with ice & snow all around just now, I'm loving seeing winter from your perspective. :o) Hope the week away in Seattle helped find a lead to a new home for you. And that you'll have time to create in between all the packing. Thanks for stopping by. The Valentine Swap has had few sign ups, but that's OK, as everyone seems so busy just now. I'm hoping to host another creative challenge later in the year during summer/fall. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Unknown said…
I enjoy looking at the snow even though we get a lot in the winter.
I'm glad that you are already making friends near your new home.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you are making home already even if you are not there permanently yet. I can see the happiness in your face in your photos, ride the wave of the wonderful adventure that this life is. xox Corrine
Lesley Edmonds said…
Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. Moving to a new city sounds very daunting - it is very special that you already have a friend there to help you settle in.
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh Becca, I love that photograph of you with Linda and Catherine!! I never thought I would say this, but I would like a little snow here right about now. This has been the strangest winter I can remember, with almost no snow. Brutally cold though!

So glad you had a good trip!
Unknown said…
Hey girly.. Your photos look awesome. I am going to miss you when you move. But I am really going to enjoy seeing Seattle through your eyes in photos..

Hugs, Linda
Pamela said…
Oh you got to meet Catherine!!! How cool! I saw she went to Vegas but didn't know she would see you!
I bet she is a blast too.
I love the snow photos. We got snow here yesterday and I am so excited about it!!! It reminds me of home!!
Can't wait to hear about all the homes you saw!
Pamela xo
Marji said…
Beautiful snow photos. good thing you are home now so that you missed the really ugly Seattle weather upon us now. I hope the house hunting went well.
The pictures of the snow are beautiful. :) It's 84 degrees here right now. Hotter in the house. I think it's awesome that you got to meet blog friends! Having Judy there will really help, I'm sure. We moved to Barranquilla, Colombia 20 months ago and it helped that we knew some of the parents of our son-in-law. I felt like I wasn't coming down here completely blind. We still don't speak Spanish but had 78 people show up to our house on Dec 18th for a it won't take long for you to have many, many friends.
Unknown said…
beautiful pictures in the snow!
enjoy your days of warmth and sunshine though!
Judy S. said…
You got out of town just in the nick of time, Becca. We are still snowbound! Everything's been cancelled. Feels good to stay home and just look outside. We have almost the same photo from last Friday, only ours was taken in Magnolia from Catherine's back patio. That was such a pretty sunset! At the moment it's about 30 degrees and our rhodies are snow-covered and pouting!
How fun to get to meet two bloggers in person. I've gotten to meet a few myself. Once you've moved up here we'll have to meet up, I don't live far at all from Bellevue!
You should see all the crazy snow that we're continuing to have.
Gillian Olson said…
Loved the pictures Becca, especially the snow ones. Thanks for sharing your meetings with other bloggers.
How fun meeting up with bloggers! Great photos! I love the snow photos, too...we hardly have any snow here...I can see the grass!
Sounds like you had a great trip. So fun that you got to meet Catherine. She's a hoot! I'll have to check out Judy's blog. No dust storm here yet -- we'll have to see what we wake up to tomorrow. Have a great weekend. Tammy
Lisa Graham said…
And you already have a Seattle hoodie! : ) You will fit in just fine Becca!

Your snow photos are gorgeous as ALL the women in your photos. What a fun thing to do meeting up with blog friends.

Happy packing! And thank you for stopping by the other day!
Chatty Crone said…
Hello I am from Catherine's Blog - she posted about the trip and I came over for a view.

I love your posts and all your pictures. So you liked the snow.

Well we are originally from Chicago moved to GA in 1986 and we don't love snow. lol

Catherine said…
I'm glad you made it home safe and sound Becca! I am laughing that you found the snow so enjoyable. But I guess it is pretty special if you are not used to it. And I do have to admit that it is very pretty.

How fun that you got to meet another blogger friend. Good for you! Meeting you and Linda truly was one of the highlights of my trip. I have our photo up in my office at work. :)

Wishing you a beautiful weekend my friend!
xo Catherine
Georgianna said…
First image is amazing, Becca! And what fun to see you with your blogging friends. Don't forget you have another one here when you arrive! :)


– g
Tammie Lee said…
your snow is lovely
we have it too
winter is so much prettier with the white stuff

how fun that you got to meet some of your blogging friends!

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