An Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan

I've been wanting to share a couple of photos of the tree in my front yard.
This awkward little tree has been here since we moved in 5 years ago.  I've started calling it our 
"Charlie Brown Tree." 
It's so slow growing, and goofy looking.  At times, I've wanted to pull it out and plant something else!
No one here in Vegas has been able to tell me what it was, so I asked my blog friend, Noelle 
The name she gave me was a 
Chinese Pistache or (Pistacia chinensis)
I started to do some Googling and she's right!  The fun part is that one of the things I read was... 
"An Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan"
It seems that after about 5 or 6 years this scrawny tree will begin to blossom and it's canopy will begin to change and grow.

It produces little berries that birds seem to love.
We don't have many trees here that change into beautiful colors, but this one always seems to show it's true colors around this time of year. 
I'm going to keep a closer watch on this tree, and learn to appreciate it's Fall foliage. 

The Cape Honeysuckle is another shrub that starts to show it's colors. 
It produces these orange blooms in the Fall. 

Fall is taking it's time getting here.  It's still in the 90's during the day!  
The colors of Fall are a little harder to spot here, but I'm making an effort this year to find it. 

Have a wonderful week! 



Ashley Sisk said…
Absolutely beautiful shots! Love them.
Numinosity said…
You've certainly brought out the swan in these magnificent photos. I'll be checking out the azplantlady soon when we return to our home in AZ in a few months.
xoxo Kim
Alina said…
Once again I am blown away by your talent. These photos are absolutely incredible! Your little tree is a reminder that "good things come to those who wait" Thank you for sharing your world and thank you for your lovely comments on my Blog. Happy Autum!
Jessica said…
I love the colors in the second shot. So bright and reminds me of spring!
Lisa Gordon said…
Really pretty Becca.
Love the Cape honeysuckle shot!
Mackenzie said…
I love the first photo of the tree! So beautiful! The perfect picture of fall!! I hope I can capture one just as great when our leaves start to turn!
Katy Noelle said…
Hooray for the Charlie Brown tree - hooray for Charlie Brown who stuck with it! =] What a great story AND what great colors. How did you do that??? Any tips?!

Love, Katy
Katy Noelle said…
Pssst! I thought that I had seen your little moon profile somewhere before. I was the one who commented after you on Alina's last post! ah HA!
We all get better with age, so I guess you tree follows along. Great shots. Love the gray butterfly.
Unknown said…
How cool to find out what kind of tree you have after all this time.. So are you still going to call it your Charle Brown tree. Your pictures look wonderful..

BTW- are you sure it was only in the 90's. Today it felt so hot to me. Probably just my hormones again..
Justine said…
these are so pretty and I just love the light on the last one with the butterfly, wow!
Catherine said…
How wonderful to have such a beautiful tree and that you can watch the colors changing ~ it's a magical thing isn't it!

Happy Day Becca!
xo Catherine
Jaime Haney said…
Good information to know about this pretty tree! What an extra nice bonus with the berries. Pretty photos.

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