The Golden Hour

I have been re-painting some old garden signs and recently found my messy desk in the light of the 
"golden hour" so I couldn't resist taking a few photos.

There's just something about this time of day that makes me drop what I am doing and grab my camera.   It's my favorite time to try and capture that beautiful, golden light.
Here are a few other photos I took in one of those "hurry and grab the camera moments." 

This is Fetzer's way of enjoying the "golden hour" 

...and Shatzie's

I know some of you have seen these before, but they are some of my favorite "golden hour" photos from around my house.

Thanks for dropping by to take a peek. 
I'm looking forward to a long, holiday weekend with plans to do some crafting projects. 
How about you? 



Netty said…
Oh wow, how gorgeous. Annette x
Netty said…
Oh wow, how gorgeous. Annette x
Isabel said…
What wonderful pictures!!!:O) Love the way the light landed on your treasures:O) I am going to do what i always do paint,walk,eat,tv,read,visit my dad and friend who is ill. Thanx for sharing:O)
Numinosity said…
That's one of the reasons I like living in Alaska. Our golden hours last so long- Three hour sunsets turning into three hour sunrises in the summer and almost all day (4hours of sunrise-sunset) in the winter. The sun seems to always be at an angle.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful golden moments.
xoxo Kim
The lighting is beautiful, Becca...I've always loved the play of shadow and light...
Beautiful photos! ~ Angela
Stunning pictures of the 'golden hour'. I hope for rain this long weekend, the garden plants all wilting from lack of water. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
gail said…
beautiful lighting....I'd be curled up in a ball myself!
Lisa Gordon said…
Becca -
Thank you so much for visiting!
Your blog is beautiful, and your photography, amazing!
Pamela said…
I love this time of day when the sun shines like this. You captured it so beautifully Becca!
What is with Kitties and a hamper of clean linens? I mean my boy never goes in the hamper of dirty clothes just when the clean ones are in it!
Don't you just love cats and where they choose to sleep? There's a war going on in our home right's between the husband and the boy cat. He likes to drive my hubby crazy by sleeping on every chair in the living room not the one designated to him! So after hubby vaccums he flips the cushions up...well this makes the cat love it even more because now it's like a cave for him with the seat up!

Happy long weekend! Sad to see Summer go!
Pamela xo
Unknown said…
Such pretty pictures, Love them..

Hugs, Linda
Justine said…
the golden hour is so perfect isn't it and these are just beautiful photographs, what a lovely cat. You've captured the light so beautifully here.
Deb said…
A very beautiful post made only more lovely with your feline friends.
andrea creates said…
I agree-that's great lighting-makes everything look really nice :)
Catherine said…
Fantastic photos Becca! You are right ~ that light is excellent for photos. And how cute are kitties catching the last rays of sunshine. Wonderful!

I did some crafting on Wednesday and will be doing more today.

Tis a lovely day!
xo Catherine
Becca, your photos are so pretty. Eye candy for the soul. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said…
Definitely the golden hour, and a lovely hour at that. Wish I could find the time to craft.

Jillayne said…
Beautiful photos Becca! I know all about the Golden Hour. I always noticed it in Whitehorse, later, on a summer evening the light would slant right through the poplar tree leaves - I called it "The Green-Gold Hour" and it was my favourite time of day. Thanks for reminding me!
Ashley Sisk said…
I love love love the golden light. These shots are beautiful.
Anonymous said…
You know I always love your photos!
Beautiful once again!
Hugs, Diane
PS: love the guitar music too!
Holly Knott said…
I LOVE that golden hour, too (we're approaching it now as we speak). It doesn't last long enough! Your photos of it are great.

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