Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Ok, here I go again, on another photo scavenger hunt. 
I thought I was going to take a break this week, but Ashley Sisk's 
is so much fun!  
This week's hunt includes: 

1. Landscape
2. Power Lines
3. Newspaper
4. Pose
5. Hobby

Here's my interpretation for those five. 

I can think of so many other pretty landscape shots that I have from places I've visited, but I wanted to try and take all new shots this time, so not much else going on here except "desert" landscape. 

Power Lines
It was this item that had me most interested to play.  I've always had this curious fascination with "powerlines" (I know, weird huh? )  I took a walk out to the end of the desert where the houses stop, and took this shot.  
Another one of my obsessions the past few days has been messing around in Photoshop.  
I liked the erie look I got with this. 

Everyday our paper gets delivered somewhere in one of the bushes.

This is Shatzie.  She's my little princess and posed for this shot. 

It was hard to choose which hobby I wanted to photograph! 

Thanks again for dropping by.
Next week's scavenger hunt items are: 

1. Wish/Dream
2. Clean
3. Currency
4. Pair
5. Square

Maybe you'd like to play along too?  

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend, I don't know about you, but I've been enjoying watching a little bit of tennis and football!

See you soon,


Anonymous said…
These are all great! I love the processing on them! Shatzie looks like she enjoys having her picture taken.
Christine said…
Love the hobby shot and the texture on the electric lines is cool!
Ashley Sisk said…
These are all great but your power line shot is incredible. I love the processing you've done with it. Beautiful job. Have a great week!

BTW, I'm glad you were able to link up. Sometimes it can be a bit tricky.
lilylovekin said…
Love the photoshop finish you did on the power lines. It is rather spooky.
Jessica said…
Great pictures! Your newspaper one is great! i had a hard time with that one. I also love your photoshop work on your powerlines!

Unknown said…
Hey Bec, Your pictures look great as always.. I just love your kitty shot.. I kinda thought you would use that for your pose shot..

Did you see Jessica's blog yet!
She is playing around with Eric camera.. Hope you are having a nice day. I have been making some ATC And enjoying this weather...

Hugs, Linda
Catherine said…
What a fun post Becca! I love your power line shot and of course, Shatzie is so very Orange Goodness! Sweet kitty! I like her little white upper lips and little mittens ~ adorable!

Hope you had a terrific weekend Becca!
xo Catherine
SZM said…
your power line photo is awesome!
SarahinSC said…
All of your pictures are beautiful! I'm not a huge cat person, but that pose was just precious!
Anonymous said…
I love your power lines shot, the texture is great!
Great shots, I like the newspaper shot. Would love to know how you soften the edges, in Photoshop or in camera with lens? Take care and have a great week.
Tara said…
Great great shots...I love the power lines shot, pose and the hobby shots!!!
Pamela said…
This is so much fun Becca!
Beautiful photos and i love power lines too that and train tracks.
I like all the different lighting with your photos...really cool!
Pamela xo
Tripps said…
love the mood of the powerline. and i'm especially digging the hobby photo.
Lynn Stevens said…
Beautiful pictures Becca, You and Linda really have this photo thing down pat!
Justine said…
I love the process on the power lines and that cat! wow, a lovely looking cat. What a great selection of photos, I am going to try and do next sunday
Anika said…
Superb job on the editing of the power lines shot!! Love it!
Reading Allowed said…
Like everyone else, I just love what you did on the power line shot! It looks great!
Numinosity said…
Count me in with the admiration of the power line shot.
The scavenger hunt idea sounds like fun.
xoxo Kim
Lisa Gordon said…
These are beautiful Becca.
Love what you did with the power lines. Not seen more attractive ones!!
Kelly Warren said…
great shots, becca! i particularly like the close up of the sewing machine. hope you are well!
Jillayne said…
Hi Becca! The power line is an amazing photo, and I have always been fascinated by them too. Must be something about the repetitive nature of tehm but I used to try to count them when I was young and we were driving. And of course Shatzie is looking pretty cute too!
Justine said…
thank you so much for what you said yesterday, it was really kind and I am moving on! thank you thank you

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