Just Down the Street...

This little red pre-school sits on the corner of our street. 

Often times, I'll see children wearing colorful raincoats and rain boots 

walking under umbrellas with their parents.

It's fun to watch. 

This day however, it wasn't the children's colorful rain gear 

that caught my eye, instead it was the beautiful,  

 blooming crab apple trees that line the side of the building. 

How lovely it was walking over to the school, with the sun 

shining brightly and the blue sky peeking through the branches.

A soft breeze came, and a few petals fluttered down around me.


You know, I said "crab apple" but I actually don't know that for a fact,

they could be cherry I suppose. 

There are so many trees blooming here I can't keep up! 

Whatever they are, I am enjoying every minute of it! 

Sometimes I'll just sit on our front step with my morning coffee, 

listening to the birds and taking it all in.

I hear some people say the trees make a mess.

I'm thinking,  a mess of spring blossoms is one mess I can live with! 

What lovely weather we've been having! 

Although we are back to grey skies today it still feels like spring! 

Hope you are feeling springtime in your part of the world too. :-)



TexWisGirl said…
yeah, that's my kinda mess, too! beautiful, beautiful area!
Yes indeed! I'd trade that for the dust and grime we've got here any day of the week. I certainly can't keep up with the cleaning -- inside or out. It's a full time job which is why everyone has maids, but I can't do that. I can't make someone else do the work I don't want to do. I just do the best I can. I went to kindergarten in a little red schoolhouse. Mrs. Rentfrow was my kindergarten teacher. Funny how I remember that and can't remember much else of my growing up years. :) Enjoy Spring! Tammy
The little red school house is so charming and even better with the gorgeous flowering trees. What a lovely sight to pass by each day!
Anonymous said…
Trees that blossom in springtime take my breath away and totally make my day. None here yet but we have had such cold weather for this time of year. Hoping for blossoms soon... Thanks for sharing your pretty blossoms and blue skies!

Georgianna said…
Hi Becca! I was thinking of you all weekend and how great it was that we had such wonderful Easter weather. And the trees! You and Russell MUST go to the Arboretum today or tomorrow, if you haven't been. ALL the trees are in blossom and will be gone in a few days.

I love that you are enjoying it so much. I believe this tree is a white plum. It's a bit early for crapapples but the cherries are perfect at the Arboretum. Oh, and also the University. You MUST go there! The Quad. Email me if you need info.


Lisa Gordon said…
Oh my goodness, Becca, this tree is just gorgeous!
I especially love the 3rd photograph here. The combination of the tree and the schoolhouse is just perfect.

Wishing you a wonderful evening!
Lisa Graham said…
Absolute loveliness Becca. How I wish I could have morning coffee with you listening to those wonderful Seattle birds. Gorgeous pictures!
RURAL said…
Seattle was always a week or two ahead of White Rock...and it was a real treat to visit there for the NWFGS...

Love your shots, crabapple, or cherry it's still pretty.

Gillian Olson said…
What a beautiful sight! I too just like to sit and take in the gentle fragrance and hear the birds sing. Ah spring!
Unknown said…
That must be such a site to see.. I Love that type of mess as well. Enjoy your first spring in your new city my friend...

Unknown said…
This made my day! So exquisite!
Susan said…
Gorgeous images, the blooms look so striking against the red building!
Fabulous shots of springtime. I would not care about the mess of the blossoms falling...I love it actually and besides, we are having one of the coldest March,,,well now April in over 50 years so ,,,hey, bring on the mess, ppppooooöööleeeeeezzzzzze.
Enjoy your sunny days!
Such gorgeous photos, Becca...I can't wait for spring blossoms...it IS finally getting a little warmer!
Unknown said…
Your pictures are so beautiful. It looks like spring already there, here it is still to cold for the trees to bloom. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
Anonymous said…
Lovely as it can be. They are so adorable.
Tracy said…
Ooooo...PURE DELIGHT!! So glad it's spring. No blooms here yet...Waiting patiently. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Caterina Giglio said…
oh isn't it wonderful that people had the foresight to plant flowering trees for us to enjoy? just gorgeous, thanks for the lovely post...
Judy S. said…
These trees provide the best kind of "snow" there is~
Catherine said…
Oh I bet those blossoms smell heavenly!!! And so pretty. Our blossoms won't be out for awhile. Especially since I just looked out the window and see it's snowing again!!! But it's melting as fast as it hits. So I think it will be ok...sigh... ;)
xo Catherine
Halle said…
So pretty set against the red building. I'm sure it smelled delightful as well.

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