
"Too often we are so preoccupied with the destination, we forget the journey."

"Focus on the journey, not the destination.  Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."
(Greg Anderson)

My word for 2012...


This new year brings about many new and exciting changes for me.  
A move to a new city...something I have never done before. 

I suppose for those of you that know the "real me" you might wonder why I didn't choose the word, stress. :-)
(journey just sounds much nicer doesn't it?)

No, really, this word is such a perfect reminder for me!
Moving to the Seattle area is something we've dreamed of for a few years now.
So, hang on Becca and enjoy the ride!

Did you choose a word for 2012?
I would love to hear about it. 

I'm linking up over at
My Heart Art by Geri
Check out some other bloggers words for 2012!

Happy New Year! 



CHRIS said…
Love this word journey - I've been doing this a long time waiting for the rest to catch on. Enjoy the ride and may your landing be soft!! My word will be - BELIEVE
Dorthe said…
Dear Becca-
I just watched your entire fairy dusted picture trail, and so enjoyed the journey- I wish you a happy one for all 2012, -
My word will be -ENJOY- as enjoy all that is given me every day-and not take it for granted.
HUGS, Dorthe
Anonymous said…
I know you will love your journey you have been so looking forward to it. Can't wait to see your photos of Seattle.....Happy New Year. xox Corrine
Anonymous said…
And such a wonderful journey you have ahead of you this year. Can't wait to see what it all holds in store for you.

Happy New Year!
Lisa Graham said…
Yes Becca, Journey is a great word. I would choose it if I had such a wonderful move to look forward to. You are so lucky. I dream of moving to a place where there's more nature, more culture, more charm...Kansas is lovely but in a quiet country sort of way. So my word for the year is Thankful. I want to be thankful for where I am at and what I have rather than don't have.

: )
I am happy for you, Becca! My word(s) are the ones you gave me "Take Flight"...I'm excited about them. Happy New Years!
Happy New year! I always choose a new word for each year...but haven't chosen mine yet! I'll think about it today and comment again later! I love your new profile are very beautiful! ♥♥♥
Catherine said…
Look at how beautiful Seattle is Becca! Oh that beautiful water! No dry heat there. I am so excited for you!

Journey is a good word for you this year. It's going to be awesome!

I didn't post my word for the year yet but I will later this week, though I gave a hint to it on today's post.

Have a terrific Sunday friend!
xo Catherine
Hi Becca, I like your word 'Journey' for 2012 and I hope you enjoy brings. My word is 'Peace'. Take care my friend, Jen.
Torunn said…
Would wish you luck on your journey and wish you a wonderful experience in a new city. Hope you will enjoy it. Greeting Torunn.
TexWisGirl said…
i do like your choice of words, and the quote you used above too. God bless you as you continue this journey! :)
Justine said…
what a great word! perfect and now I can see what you look like too! love your profile shot. I bet your 2012 will be wonderful. My word is positive!
Wishing the best to you on your journey...wherever it takes you! I chose the word meditate...but as I was meditating this morning (in bed at 5 am ish) just as I was drifting back to sleep...the word EVOLVE woke me slam up). So...I have a new word given to me by my superconcious and I'm stickin with it!!!
Jillayne said…
Very good word Becca, and very true words in your post. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and sometimes we can't see the tree for the forest...
I am choosing a different word for each month - one word for the whole year is too long for me! My attention span must be going as I get older....
Wishing all the for this great year ahead!
Anonymous said…
¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸  ★  ★☾ °★ . .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  . * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸ ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   ★   YOU HAVE BEEN Sprinkled with BLESSINGS of PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH and HAPPINESS! and wiah you a great(blog)year!★ ° . .    . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ .   ★ ° :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * .      .   °  . ● .    ° ☾ °☆  ¸. ● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .
Laura lok said…
I love your word for 2012. A few of us linked up our words in a blog hop check it out here.
lilylovekin said…
Journey is the perfect word for you this year, just remember to enjoy it. My word is courage, even for the small things.
Geri said…
Wonderful word Becca - and wonderful reminder too for all of us to enjoy that JOURNEY!!! Happy 2012!
I love your word and the quotes! It IS all about the journey...and in your case, a very nice destination, too!
What a great panorama!! Wishing you the best in your move. Lots of new experiences in store, I'd say.

Love your music, Becca. Might just log in to have that as background for my photo playing!!
Amy A said…
Love that word! I chose THRIVE. Just posted about it yesterday :)
Tracy said…
WONDERFUL word for a new year, and soon new world for you, Becca. Very exciting! :o) Great to be back in blogland after two weeks away for Christmas in the USA, and catch up with you here now. Wishing you all the very best in 2012--PEACE, LOVE & JOY! ((HUGS))
Unknown said…
Wishing all the best on your journey this year.
I think its the perfect word for you ...

Hugs, Linda
Rosie Grey said…
Happy New Year to you, Becca! All the best for you and your move to Seattle! What a great word for 2012 - enjoy your journey!
Everyone should move to a larger city at least once in their lives; it's a powerful thing to do for yourself.
My words for 2012 - balance and peace, both of which I'm struggling to find since my husband died in November.
Judy S. said…
Nice photo of our city, Becca! I hope you enjoy it here as much as we have. No baby yet.....
Lisa Gordon said…
And such an exciting time you have a head of you dear Becca. Enjoy every moment.
Gillian Olson said…
Well said, enjoy your journey.
Georgianna said…
Happy New Year, Becca!! Can't wait until you're up here! xo – g
Marji said…
Journey is such a great word. There is so much to it... the outward journey to Seattle, but also your inward journey through 2012. I hope we can meet up once you get here!
That's a good word...I haven't even considered that one! I'll still thinking about a word and my list of goals! heehee! I've been too busy to sit down and ponder! Hugs! ♥

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