Seattle Bound

A new journey begins...

Dear friends, 
it is with great joy that I share with you some news...a dream come true.
We are moving to Seattle!

Many of you know that I have been wanting to leave the hot, dry, desert of Las Vegas, 
(the only home I've ever known) and move to this Emerald City that I have fallen in love with over the last few years.

I would like to take this opportunity today to share with you some of my photography that represents this beautiful place.

"Good Night Seattle, we love you!" 

Thank you for sharing this with me today. :-)



TexWisGirl said…
oh wow! big news! that's quite the climate change, but looks like you're ready for it! :)
Lorraine said…
What fantastic news Becca! I live just outside of Vancouver so not that far at all.
SarahinSC said…
Can I just say that I am so jealous???!!! I lived in Seattle for four years and my heart is still there, but I'm not. Enjoy it for me!
Becca,,,I am happy for you!..and I'm coming to visit next summer!!lol...xoxo
Kim Carney said…
Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! You will love it here ;)
Pinecone said…
We had to move to NY this summer after living in the Seattle area for 3 years. I miss it sooooooo much!!!!!!! I miss the smell, and the trees, and the fabulous ferries and my house (we still have that - we rented it out - so holding out hope we will get to go back.) Lucky you!!! Ashlyn
lilylovekin said…
What wonderful news. I know your heart has been there for some time, now to be there physically-how fantastic. I'm so happy for you.
Unknown said…
Wishing you all the best my friend...
I am so happy for you and Russ..

Hugs, Linda
Katie said…
Yay!!! Welcome to WA! I'm just down in Olympia---if you're down this way drop me a line!
Good luck with all the moving...ugh, that's a lot of work...but it will be great when you're settled. :0)
Anonymous said…
Great news Becca! Amazing photos, I like it!

Have a nice weekend:)
Jane said…
what wonderful news. I hope it is everything you are dreaming of. I'm sure the pace of life will be quite different! best wishes, Jane x
Anonymous said…
How exciting for you! I can feel your emotion every time you post about Seattle, this is soooooo great. xox Corrine
Diane said…
YOu are a lucky girl Becca!!! I hope you have a smooth transition, but I know you will--you sound HAPPY!
Diane said…
You are a lucky girl Becca!! I hope you have a smooth transition, but I know you will--you sound HAPPY!
How totally AWESOME for you. I know you will love it in Seattle. I did as a tourist. And your photos are so gorgeous. What a tribute you presented us with.
Lisa Graham said…
Wow Becca! That is exciting news! We have friends who moved from Wichita to Seattle and they post their hiking, kayaking and sight seeing pics on their facebook all the time. Seattle looks sooooooooo wonderful!

Hope you won't be sleepless ; )

Happy for you to live a dream!
Tracy said…
HOORAY, Becca! Dancing with you for dreams come true! Look forward to hearing about this new journey for you. SO thrilled for you! :o) ((HUGS))
Congrats Becca. You certainly are going from one extreme to another. From hot dry desert and on to the rainy city. When will you make the move? Have a great weekend. Tammy
How exciting!! I am so very happy for you. :)
Unknown said…
Congratulations Becca! Welcome to the Emerald City .... You will definitely not be in Kansas (or Vegas) any more :)
Lisa Gordon said…
Oh Becca, this is I such wonderful news, and I am so happy for you!! I've been to Seattle a couple of times, and it really is a beautiful city. What a weather change you will be experiencing!
Once again, congratulations!!!!
Pamela said…
Yah!!!! I am so happy for you Becca!
It must feel so real now that you are able to share the news!!
I hope you had a wonderful Birthday on Monday. I was thinking about you. Been slaving at my job and was finally off today. Spent the whole day doing a million errands. Back to work all weekend :( !!!
Anyways so glad you are moving...we will get to meet!!
Pamela xo
GardenOfDaisies said…
Becca, I am sooo happy for you! I love your photos of Seattle and look forward to many more from one of my favorite places on earth!! How soon do you get to make the move?
Anonymous said…
I am sooo happy for you! Now that's a city we wouldn't mind moving to either. We left the dusty, arid state of Arizona behind and headed to the moister climate of Virginia, but had a job presented itself in Seattle for my Hubby, we would have gladly gone. SO happy for you!
RURAL said…
Oh Becca, your Muddy Boot Dreams are coming true also!!!!!

Congrats...I am so happy for you.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
ok my dear, i just read this...finally! yeah for you! i know how living here all our lives is. done the same thing and can't wait to do the same. it was so great to meet you today and thank you for your encouraging words about my dr. dilema! love you girl! c
forgetmenot said…
Great photos of Seattle--a fine city. Your flower and tree shots were lovely. Mickie :)
Brianne said…
Oh, Becca. I am so happy for you. It seems that Seattle steals many a heart. You did; however, take so many pretty pictures of the desert and I am sure there will be a flash and a shadow of movement in your garden some evening even when you are gone - just in rememberance and love of you. I am looking forward to many posts with new stories to tell through your lens. Peace.
Gillian Olson said…
Great news, what an adventure. I love all the great pictures of your new "hometown".
OH Becca!!! I am SO happy for you! I know how much this means to you both and how excited you must be !! I can't wait to hear all about it!!
Justine said…
How exciting! congratulations! when do you move? that is great.
Catherine said…
How wonderful Becca! I've always thought Seattle looks like a terrific place to visit and there you are ~ now packing your bags and moving! Love it! Oh it is going to be exciting! I look forward to you taking us along as you discover all sorts of new and exciting things. Good for you!

xo Catherine
Rosie Grey said…
Oh, Becca, what fantastic news! When will you be moving?
ELK said…
What happy news glad you are able to move to your dream spot!! What a fabulous photo series ..!!
Oh my gosh I am SO EXCITED for you!!! I am sure you are going to love it there! How nice that you get to spend this winter in mild temp Las Vegas and then move to the beautiful Emerald City in the spring. It is going to be so stunning there when all the flowers are blooming. So happy for you and look forward to hearing all about it when you move.
Also wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!
donna joy said…
how lucky for you! i LOVE the pacific northwest! it's so beautiful there

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